Fresh StartНамуна

Fresh Start

DAY 13 OF 15

Keeping our minds in line with the truth of who God says we are is tough work. Paul used battle language to describe it: taking thoughts “captive” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Thankfully, our Father, who wants us to live in the truth of who we are, sent Someone to help us. He is closer than close—He lives inside of us. He is God’s very own Spirit, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus called Him “the Spirit of truth” (John 14:17). He can help us recognize and live in the truth, if we ask Him and position our hearts tenderly to respond to His promptings. Jesus gave us this insight into who the Holy Spirit is: “When he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come” (John 16:13). Jesus told us that His Spirit will guide us into all truth. He is in us, but He is also connected to the Father and Son somehow because He tells us “what he hears.”

So, as you walk through life in tandem with Him, ask the Holy Spirit to show you the truth. Ask Him to help you hear the truth He hears. Since He lives inside of you and is also connected to Heaven, there is no one better to guide you to think in line with the truth. Ask Him for heavenly downloads. God showed His intention with you by moving in closer than close. He wants to be your friend. Ask Him to help you live in light of this heavenly closeness.


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About this Plan

Fresh Start

No matter how we feel about a new year, it can offer a fresh start. Maybe God has something for you in this season. Maybe the Holy Spirit might be pointing something out for you. We all want to live for what truly matters, and maybe God can use this year’s fresh start to help us point our lives more in that direction.
