Ten Essentials for New ChristiansНамуна

Ten Essentials for New Christians

DAY 1 OF 10


Each day of this 10-day plan will address one of the ten essentials for you as a new Christian as you embark on your journey with Jesus. Each day, you will find an overview of that day's "Essential" followed by a detailed answer to a commonly asked question. Let's begin with the first essential!

#1: God Made You for Something Special

Realize that God loves you just the way you are, and He loves you too much to let you stay the way you are. You see, God has a goal for you, and it’s not to be the best version of yourself. He wants you to be like Jesus (Romans 8:29). In return, you will show God that you love him by doing those things Jesus commands you to do (John 14:15). Commit to diligently exploring the depths of God’s love for you. It will change your image of God and your image of yourself.


How Can I Know God’s Will for My Life?

Anyone who is following Jesus should want to do his will. Living the Christian life is a journey, and the specific paths that the journey takes aren’t clearly marked. You know your final destination but don’t always know what lies around the next bend. Here are four things you can do to discern God’s will, whether for a short assignment or a career change. Trust God by faith to lead you where he wants you to go.

  • Pray about it. Ask God to lead you along the right path and to give you his peace you’re doing the right thing.
  • Stay focused on God’s Word. While you probably won’t find specific verses telling you what to do, you will allow the Holy Spirit to speak and give you wisdom.
  • Seek the wise counsel of mature believers who know you well. You can trust the perception and advice of others who love and care about you. It’s ultimately your decision, but “there is safety in having many advisers.” (Proverbs 11:14)
  • Do your homework. God gave you intelligence. Use it. Whatever you are considering, take advantage of the resources to help you make a wise decision.

God’s will is more like a circle rather than a dot. There may not be one specific thing God wants you to do, but rather, you may be presented with more than one path that pleases him. If you follow the steps outlined above, you may end up with multiple options, all of which could have positive results. Trust God to guide you and then use your judgment to make decisions—as long as your judgment is based on your growing relationship with God.

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About this Plan

Ten Essentials for New Christians

Whether you decided to follow Jesus recently or some time ago, perhaps you are asking, “What next?” This 10-day plan highlights ten clear and enriching next steps in your walk with the Lord, followed by answers to commonly asked questions. Each day focuses on God’s profound love for you, providing straightforward encouragement and direction in your journey with Jesus.
