12 Rules for Life (Days 9-12)Намуна

12 Rules for Life (Days 9-12)

DAY 1 OF 4

Before you begin another devotional. Before you dig into God’s Word. Let’s pray and invite the King of Kings into this moment.

Lord, I invite you into this time and moment. Translate these words to exactly what they need. You know what they need, and I ask for you to do what only you can do. Speak to them as a gracious Father. Bring wisdom and instruction where needed. Thank you Lord.

For those of you seeing Day 9, just know this is a series broken into three parts. This is the final devotional in the grouping. You don’t need to read the others before beginning this one. However, the others are pretty awesome and EXTREMELY relevant.

God bless, let's get into it.


Day 9: The Wisdom in Listening

Scripture: James 1:19 - "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry."

Quote: “Assume that the person you are listening to might know something you don’t.” - Jordan Peterson

It was a sun-drenched afternoon in Galilee, the kind where the golden beams kissed everything they touched.

Jesus sat, surrounded by His disciples - fishermen, tax collectors, ordinary men made extraordinary by their association with the Savior.

There, He imparted one of His many soul-stirring teachings, giving life to Peterson's wisdom across millennia.

Each disciple had a story, a history, and wisdom harvested from varied life experiences.

They were listeners first, their hearts attuned to the divine harmonies of Jesus' teachings.

In this sanctified gathering, we're reminded of the potency of assuming a posture of listening, of being students of every soul we encounter.

Are you quick to listen even with people you may not know?

Consider the apostle Paul and young Timothy.

The former, a once fierce persecutor of Christians, bore wisdom forged through transformation.

Timothy, a young disciple, listened, absorbing the truths and insights Paul imparted.

This isn’t passive listening but an active engagement, where every word is weighted, every insight, a potential gem of wisdom.

James 1:19 isn’t just an instruction; it’s an invitation to a transformative experience, where listening molds wisdom, and wisdom, in turn, refines character.

What a banger right?

I pray for the Lord to show you some moments right now of what you can do to be a better listener.

Have you treated someone disrespectfully, and their words have become worthless?

Is there any unforgiveness causing a blockage in your life?

Can I level with you real quick?

I have missed so many incredible learning moments because I did not value the person I was listening to.


I was a fool, and it’s one of the reasons I am writing this to you.

Listen to what the Lord wants to say and show you.

I know it’s hard. I know you may not like it. That’s why the Lord is pressing you on it.

Growth requires humility.

Scriptures tell us, “God gives grace to the humble and rejects the proud.”

I want grace for you. I know you do too.

Let’s dig into a few more questions to consider.

  • How often do you truly listen, with the intent to understand and not just reply?
  • What wisdom have you gained through attentive listening?
  • How can embracing listening transform your relationships and perspective on life?
  • Who is a good listener that you know? What can you learn from them?

Affirmation: "Today, I choose to listen, embracing the wisdom and perspectives of others as I walk in God’s grace."

About this Plan

12 Rules for Life (Days 9-12)

Dive into this continuation devotional inspired by Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life," but with a soul-stirring twist! Dive into Days 9-12 where Jordan Peterson's wisdom meets timeless Biblical truths. This isn't just Peterson's '12 Rules for Life'; it's a spiritual journey anchored in the Bible, tailored for today's soul-searcher. Elevate your spiritual game and find deeper meaning in the familiar.
