Becoming a Supernatural LeaderНамуна

Becoming a Supernatural Leader

DAY 3 OF 6

Slow Down

“I have had enough, LORD!”

Have you ever been there? To the point where you’re so physically and mentally depleted that you just want to give up?

This is exactly where we find Elijah in 1 Kings 19, a sharp contrast from the end of the previous chapter (1 Kings 18:46), where a bold and courageous Elijah, filled with God’s Supernatural Strength and Stamina, outruns Ahab’s chariot. But in chapter 19, Elijah is fearful and running for his life.

So what happened to shatter this fearless prophet’s faith and focus?

We’re not exactly sure, but we do know the Bible says after he defeated the prophets of Baal, Jezebel was so enraged that she vowed to kill Elijah. Upon hearing this, he was afraid and ran for his life.

Elijah may have been a legend and a prophet, but he was also a human with real needs and vulnerabilities. When Jezebel threatened to kill him, it was too much to bear. He had just spent an entire day standing on Mount Carmel, outran Ahab’s chariot to Jezreel (about six miles), then traveled to Beersheba (about 80 miles) where he collapsed under a broom brush.

Elijah was so focused on his mission, which was to prove to the people that his God was the true God, that he neglected his own basic human needs (like rest and food). The result? Fatigue and discouragement.

As a leader, can you relate? Have you ever allowed your calendar to control you and found yourself unable to prioritize rest as a regular part of your rhythm?

If you feel run down today, be encouraged: You’re more in control than you think you are. And just like God sent an angel to comfort His servant Elijah with bread, water, and a nap, He will do the same for you. However, it was only when Elijah slowed down and rested that he was able to hear the whisper of the Lord and get what he needed — both physically and spiritually.

Yes, God is with us at our breaking point; He sees us, hears us, and He cares for us. But we don’t have to live on the verge of our breaking point. Don’t neglect your basic human need for rest, and don’t confuse resting with putting down your Mantle. Rest is pivotal; it allows you to carry the Calling God has placed inside of you. Yes, the Lord Calls us to work, but He also commands us to slow down and rest.

We’re in control of our calendars, commitments, and thoughts. Let’s not run until we collapse. Make rest a part of your rhythm today to manage your energy and focus for tomorrow.

Inhale and pray: Father, thank You for giving me the gift of rest.

Exhale and pray: Show me how to rest in You and Your faithfulness today.

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About this Plan

Becoming a Supernatural Leader

You are Called, and your Calling has a weight to it. Whether you lead in your church, your office, or your home, you’re meant to steward what’s in your hands. In this six-day devotional, we’re studying Elijah and Elisha — two Supernatural Leaders from the Bible. Together, we’ll learn key attributes every leader needs to lead for the long run and leave a legacy for the next generation.
