Crossroads Music: I Will Remember 5-Day DevotionalНамуна

Crossroads Music: I Will Remember 5-Day Devotional

DAY 4 OF 5

Always Moving

In this song, there's a lyric that resonates deeply: "You never change, but you're always moving." It's a cool lyric on the surface, but when I slow down to reflect, it becomes pretty profound. It speaks to the unchanging nature of Jesus, who, while remaining constant, is constantly moving toward the people who need Him most.

We see time and time again in scripture where Jesus says He's going to do something, and people doubt Him — then He does it, and they believe. Take, for instance, His words to His disciples about His resurrection. He told them about His impending betrayal, death, and resurrection on the third day. Initially, they couldn't fathom it. They looked at Him like He was crazy. But then He died on the cross, was buried, and rose again on the third day—just as He had said.

When He showed Himself to some of the disciples, they were overjoyed. They rushed to tell Thomas, "We've seen Jesus!" But Thomas didn't believe them. In fact, in John 20, he responds to them and he says, “Unless I see in His hands the mark of the nails and place my fingers into those marks, I will never believe.”

So Jesus, who's full of grace, shows up a couple days later and He walks into a room where Thomas and the other disciples are meeting. Mind you, the door's locked. Okay. Jesus walks into a locked room, stands next to Thomas, and goes, what's up? And he holds his hands out and He says, "Hey, here, put your fingers in my hands. Put your hands in my bruised sides." And immediately Thomas knew it was Jesus and believed; he said, "My Lord, my God."

So, what enabled Thomas to believe in that moment? It was his realization of Jesus's faithfulness to His word. When Jesus says He will do something, He follows through. And I believe it's the same for you and me. If we can find the faith to take Jesus at His word and believe without needing to see, we will witness the transformation and truly grasp who Jesus is. As He told Thomas, "You have believed because you've seen Me. But blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."

Written by Eric from Crossroads Music surrounding the song "Always Moving"

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About this Plan

Crossroads Music: I Will Remember 5-Day Devotional

Inspired by lyrics from the I Will Remember Sessions EP, these devotionals paint a picture of God's ever-present hand in our lives. Whether you're reflecting on past triumphs or navigating current trials, let each devotion remind you of His steadfast faithfulness in every chapter of our lives.
