Quit Daydreaming: How to Wake Up & Break FreeНамуна

Quit Daydreaming: How to Wake Up & Break Free

DAY 7 OF 7

It's Time To Wake Up

Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, there are millions of people who are dragging through a less than satisfactory life, living out their desired reality through a fantasy in their heads.

While this kind of behavior is expected and even tolerated in children up to a certain age, by the time we are mature, we are expected to put off play-pretend.

The elephant in the room is many people struggle to do this. Just like some people turn to external substances like drugs and alcohol to fill the voids in their lives, others retract inwardly and use their minds to imagine a world abundant with the things their real life lacks.

Both coping mechanisms are damaging and enslaving.

Most people have heard the story about Joseph; the kid with the coat who went from the pit, to an Egyptian prison, to the Pharaoh’s palace.

Well, after Joseph’s family moved to Egypt to escape famine, they multiplied over the years. Generations later, a new Pharaoh who did not know Joseph dealt shrewdly with the Israelites and subjected them to a life of slavery.

The children of Israel groaned in the midst of their captivity and when God heard their weeping, He remembered His covenant and looked on them with compassion. One chapter later, God visited Moses and revealed His plan of deliverance for His chosen people.

This fact is crucial in overcoming mental bondage, because it proves God hears our cries and sympathizes with our suffering. When we turn to Him and cry out for help, He acknowledges our hurt and helps us to break free.

Not only that, the Israelites had a covenant with God because of their ancestral father Abraham. Today, we have access to an intimate relationship with the Father because of the covenant He established with us through the blood of His son Jesus Christ.

So whenever you are tempted to bask in despair or remain complacent in a life of enslavement, remember the rights you have in Christ and call on the only one that can rescue you. Always remember: Who the Son sets free, is free indeed.

If this Bible plan has encouraged you to wake up and quit daydreaming, I encourage you to dive into the only book that can set you free. If you’re interested in hearing more about my own journey to freedom visit freeindeedtc.com.

Be blessed.

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About this Plan

Quit Daydreaming: How to Wake Up & Break Free

Stuck in your head? You're not crazy. Fantasy can be an enjoyable escape from stress, but what happens when the coping mechanism once used to distract from worries becomes an addiction that perpetuates the very issues that prompted withdrawal in the first place? You make a choice to quit daydreaming! This plan is designed to help you renew your mind through God’s word to wake up and break free.
