Unshakable Kids: Three Keys to Raising Spiritually Strong and Emotionally Healthy ChildrenНамуна

Unshakable Kids: Three Keys to Raising Spiritually Strong and Emotionally Healthy Children

DAY 2 OF 5

Taking Every Thought Captive

We used to be taught that once a brain is formed, it cannot be altered. But new research shows you can in fact change the physical structure of your brain. It’s called neuroplasticity. So even if your brain is systemically designed to think a negative thought, it doesn’t have to stay that way forever. You can reshape negative neural pathways. You can create new mental habits.

Maybe in the past you weren’t intentional about your thought life, or maybe you’ve made some mistakes in developing your child’s social and emotional health. Please hear this: it’s never too late. New neural pathways are built each day, and old habits, thoughts, and hurts can be replaced with new patterns and beliefs. A brain can be retrained.

Do you think God knew our brains were capable of change when he created us? I like to think he did. In Romans 12:2, Paul tells us to be transformed by the renewal of our minds. That means old thought patterns no longer define us. Past mistakes or present pessimistic thoughts no longer bind us. We have the power to change how our brains think, and that’s significant because our mental meditation influences our families every day.

If you feel stuck in negative thought patterns or unhelpful beliefs, God can transform your mind. You don’t need to stay stuck in worry, fear, hopelessness, or discouragement. With the help of the Holy Spirit, you can leave behind your overwhelmed mind and instead take hold of a sound mind—one without worrying, questioning, or complaining. You can parent with intentionality and peace, not because your circumstances have changed but because your mind has been renewed.

Breakthroughs in parenting come when you understand that peace and confidence aren’t contingent on your circumstances. Peace doesn’t come from an absence of trial. It comes by making a conscious decision to take your thoughts captive each day. The moment you realize you’re the one who holds the power to claim what you think about, the direction of your life changes.

The first step to changing your thoughts is recognizing exactly what you’re thinking. When was the last time you paused and took a thought inventory? Take some time today to think about what you are thinking about and ask yourself: Is this thought true? Helpful? Aligned with God’s Word?

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About this Plan

Unshakable Kids: Three Keys to Raising Spiritually Strong and Emotionally Healthy Children

You may feel anxious about sending your children into a world that too often feels dark and scary. But you can prepare your kids to live in the real world by equipping them with a sound mind and a foundation of faith. With God’s Word, you can raise emotionally healthy and spiritually strong children who not only remain unshaken by the world but also make a positive impact on it.
