Pursue The PassionНамуна

Pursue The Passion

DAY 6 OF 7


"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get?" - Matthew 5:44-46 NIV


Jesus was in constant communication with His Father. In the film we see Jesus meet with His disciples during the last supper. Part of this scene comes from John 17, an entire chapter dedicated to Jesus praying, which Jesus did right before He was arrested. Jesus prays first for His Father’s glory as He finishes the work God Has given Him to do. Then He prays for His disciples that they would not be taken out of the world but rather that they would be protected as they are sent into it. Finally He prays for all believers, that He would be in us.

After Jesus finishes praying with all the disciples at the Last Supper, He then goes to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray some more. This is the opening scene of “The Passion of the Christ.” Here He continues to pray three times, as it says in Matthew 26, for His Father’s will.

Finally, in the film we see Jesus praying even while hanging on the cross, dying. He prays for the criminal beside Him, as it says in Luke 23:43 NIV, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” And again, we see Him pray for His persecutors in Luke 23:34 NIV, this time saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

PURSUE THE PASSION: God’s word is not just living, it is breathing, and gives us direct communication with Jesus, creating a deeper relationship. Through prayer we are able to truly experience God as He speaks to us and through us. It’s not about head knowledge or understanding, it’s about Him stirring within us, so we can actually feel His presence. Prayer is the ultimate form of communication between God and His people, and allows Him to reveal His plans and what He desires for our lives.


  • Be Present. Prayer is where the relationship takes place. When two sit together, both cannot speak at the same time, otherwise no one would be heard. Instead, one speaks while the other listens, then responds. It is a conversation getting to the heart of the matter. But we must make space, quiet ourselves when we need to listen, and speak to our Father when there is something on our minds. It is this direct communication that makes our relationship with Jesus so personal.
  • Praise Him. This is one way we can worship our God. Even in our darkest moments, we should continue to praise Jesus, affirming our faith in Him. It is easy to praise Him when things are going well, but it is pertinent we praise Him in times of distress. We must thank Him for the challenges He puts before us, for those are the things that stretch us and build character.
  • Pray For Your Enemies. Just like Jesus prayed forgiveness over His persecutors, and prayed for the criminals hanging on the cross, we too must learn to pray for those who hurt us, who have wronged us, or who do not like us. It is easy to pray for our friends, but there is something freeing that happens when we pray for our adversaries. It releases us from captivity, it allows us to let go of any anger we have built up inside.
  • “Ask and you shall receive.” It is not about God giving us whatever we want, but rather that our relationship is so deep, that our will aligns with God’s will, so that we know His heart and what He wants for us. In this way we will know what to pray for, and God will allow it to happen.


  1. Please share a little about how you felt when you watched the Roman soldiers nail Jesus the cross? Did you begin to pray or maybe to thank Jesus for dying on the cross for you?
  2. What did you think about Jesus praying for the sinner on the cross next to him?
  3. How do you communicate with God? Do you write your prayers down in a journal, pray in the car, pray before bed? Think of a recent prayer and share about something that has happened or something He has shown you?


Pursue Prayer: In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NIV it says "Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's for you in Christ Jesus." Look at making a decision to take on a 30 day prayer challenge starting with your Bible in hand and a journal. Pray that the Lord’s word will not only be living but be breathing new life into you as you read and begin to communicate with Jesus and others. Commit to “Praying without ceasing” as you walk into a situation. Join Jesus in prayer and see your life begin to change. See your purpose align with His will as you continue to pursue your passion for Jesus!

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About this Plan

Pursue The Passion

Pursue The Passion is a seven-day digital study based on the life of Christ and His Crucifixion. Through film, scripture and discussion questions, it is designed to inspire reflection on our life purpose and how to use our talents to further the Kingdom of God. When we focus on Jesus’ plan for our lives and follow His will, then our purpose becomes more clear. Jesus is the ultimate example of this, and we will see this demonstrated in the film, "The Passion of the Christ" on Digital HD, Blu-ray™ and DVD.
