SUICIDE 2nd in a SeriesНамуна

SUICIDE 2nd in a Series

DAY 2 OF 3


When I was deep in despair, my whole thought pattern was about myself and about how I felt. I never once considered my son and two daughters, my mother, sister, brother, my husband, and other family members and friends I held dear. I never considered that if I went through with the suicide how it would have a lifetime effect on these dear ones.

The enemy keeps our attention on circumstances instead of on our loved ones. The enemy of our soul is tricky and sly. When a person is weakened by depression, the enemy keeps pounding us down until he thinks we are destroyed. John 10:10 points out how the enemy seeks to destroy.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

Many things are going through the mind of a person who is suicidal; there is mass confusion. Every possible lie of the enemy is believed when a person is in such a state.

“For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” James 3:16

I want people to know that we don’t have to accept that, because verse 17 tells us that the wisdom that comes from God is "pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and hypocrisy.” This is what God desires for a confused mind. God wants us to choose life!

One of the biggest lies we believe is that there is shame in being suicidal. I reiterate that if we found out we had any other health issue we would seek help. My sister suffered from years of deep depression and went many years without seeking help because she felt embarrassed. It was only when she sought out help that she discovered she had a chemical imbalance and was helped when they got her chemicals in balance.

I would like to stress the importance of staying on prescribed medication, even if you think you are feeling better. Always consult your physician before changing a dose or going off of medication. I point this out because medications are very powerful and going off of them abruptly could send a person into a downward spiral, worse than they were prior.

PRAYER: Lord, please help us to realize that there is no shame in seeking help when we feel helpless. Give courage to the weak to reach out. In Jesus’ Name. Amen

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About this Plan

SUICIDE 2nd in a Series

Because of divine intervention I can attest that God has a plan for every soul. God is not the author of death, but the author of life. He even gave up His only Son that you and I may have eternal life one day in heaven! If you or a loved one feel suicidal, please call 988 (Suicide and Crisis Lifeline).
