A Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky!Намуна

A Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky!

DAY 4 OF 5


The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.” So Elijah said, “Go and tell Ahab, ‘Hitch up your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’ ” 1 Kings 18:45

A Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky! Typing these words brings me to tears. I am still waiting for my cloud in the clear blue sky. I know with everything within my soul it’s coming and coming soon, but right now, I can’t see it yet. However, when I read these words. “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.” I feel hope restored in my heart.

A few things I want to point out in this verse.

First, lift up your hand. Give a good look at your hand and it’s size. This is the size of the cloud! My hand is so small, so to find that in the sky… How intentionally do you think Elijah’s servant must have been looking to spot this?

I think Elijah’s faith and determination also built the faith of his servant. You don’t know who is watching you in this season. You don’t know whose faith and determination are growing because they are seeing you not give up. Keep Going!

Stop counting the number of times you’ll look for the cloud or the days, weeks, months, or years you’ve been praying. Just keep praying. Keep Going. Don’t Stop.

What if your perseverance in prayer isn’t just bringing you a miracle; what if it’s the start of a miracle for your whole community?

That next prayer may just be the prayer that draws the cloud out of the sea and brings the rain. Don’t Stop!

The second point I want to make. He saw the cloud rising from the sea. When I think about a sea, I think about the depths of that sea. I think about the weight of the water it had to come through to make it into the sky. I think about darkness coming into the light. I think about a resurrection. I think about how beautifully it illustrates Jesus' resurrection for us. Three years of no rain. Three days in the grave. A miracle came. Life was given. Redemption and healing were experienced.

It was on the 8th time the servant searched for a cloud that he found one. If you look back to verses 43 and 44, “Go and look toward the sea,” he told his servant. And he went up and looked. “There is nothing there,” he said. Seven times Elijah said, “Go back.” I share this because the number 8 represents a new beginning, new order or creation, and resurrected from the dead into eternal life.

God is in the details. He’s not just wanting to heal us physically, but also spiritually. He didn’t just provide us with a miracle, but a resurrection. One thing I LOVE about the old testament is how it proclaims what God is going to do in the new testament. It’s all pointing to the death and resurrection of Jesus. It’s reminding us over and over again that Jesus died to bring a miracle, eternal life, healing, and forgiveness.

Today I want to end with a challenge/reflection.

What are the lies the enemy is trying to use to discourage you and stop you from praying?

  1. Grab a pen and paper and write them down. (all of them)
  2. Grab your Bible and find the truth. Write it down. (Maybe write it down a few times and put it in the places where you find yourself when the lies try to sneak in. Maybe that’s in your car, bedroom, living room, office… where ever this may be have the truth there.)

When you feel the lies coming take them captive:

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5

Read the truth. Meditate on the truth. Allow God’s word to fill your heart and mind.

After going to God, also invite a friend, family member, pastor, therapist, or someone into it with you.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17

We were not meant to be lone wolves. We go to God and we invite others to lift our arms when we can’t lift them ourselves. (like Moses in Exodus 17:11-13).

Thank you for Reading. Until Tomorrow.

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About this Plan

A Cloud in the Clear Blue Sky!

Have you ever experienced a season of waiting, praying, hoping, yet not seeing? You start to wonder if God can do it. Maybe you question if you deserve the answer to your prayer. Yet something within your soul says, don’t give up. Don’t stop praying. God is working. Reading the story of Elijah, we will learn to pray with expectation until we see the cloud in the clear blue sky.
