GLEANINGS - ExodusНамуна

Lessons learned during a longer route.
1. Preparation.
God sometimes brings us the long way because we are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually unprepared to face what awaits us along the short route or at the end of our journey. The Israelites had spent the last eight to ten generations as slaves in Egypt. To reach Canaan, they would have to fight the Moabites, the Amalekites, and several other nations before actually having to confront the cities and tribes of Canaan itself. The Hebrew tribes were in no condition at that time to undertake such a challenge. So the longer route was a time of preparation. Are you looking for short cuts. Allow God to prepare you for the task ahead.
2. Opportunity.
God sometimes takes us the long way, because He may have in mind the salvation of others on the way. God wanted the Egyptians to know that He is the LORD. Though God had a covenant responsibility to bring the Jewish people out of Egypt, he was also concerned about the spiritual condition of the Egyptians. “I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and he will pursue them. But I will gain glory for Myself through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD.” (Exodus 14:4)
3. Demonstration.
God sometimes takes us the long way to show us more of His power. God planned to show His people His might one more time through the parting of the Red Sea and the destruction of Pharaoh and his army. This forever settled in their minds that they were rid of their Egyptian taskmasters—never again would they be capable of dragging the Israelites back into slavery. The Israelites were free to worship and serve their Deliverer. God sometimes brings us through Red Sea experiences so that we will have a deep and lasting revelation of just how free we are in Christ. “Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
4. Dead-ends.
God sometimes takes us the long way to show us that He is able to take us through the Red Sea – so there is no desire to turn back but be willing to go through the tough situations of life. God sometimes brings us through Red Sea experiences so that we will not turn back to our lives enslaved to the forces of the world. God has in mind His best for us, and we should not lose faith at the sight of obstacles like the Red Sea or the battles we must engage in to reach our destiny.
God knows us better than we know ourselves (or are willing to admit) and there can be many reasons that God takes us the long way through the wilderness. Do not give up on what God has promised you, even though it seems slow in coming.
The shortest way is not always the best way. The best way is when God is leading.
Application Questions:
What is the most challenging area of your life in which to trust the Lord?
What could help you to trust in the Lord more?
How would your life be different if you viewed your life from God’s “long route” perspective rather than from our culture’s short cuts perspective?
God has His own training methods, and it is usually true that His way up first leads down, for the mountain is only as high as the valley is deep. - J. Oswald Sanders
Lord, I thank you that you paid for my sin in full on the cross. Help me each day to live a life of obedience, grateful for your gift of sacrifice. Help me not to look for short cuts, but trust you fully and say, "Where you lead me, I will follow." Amen
About this Plan

GLEANINGS is a one-year devotional through the Bible. It contains answers to key issues, application questions and quotes to think and apply, and a prayer of commitment at the end. The book of Exodus is a picture book of God’s redemptive character, of His desire to set at liberty those who were enslaved by sin and stuck in a coffin in Egypt.
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