Words That Heal: Prayer's From God's WordНамуна

Words That Heal: Prayer's From God's Word

DAY 4 OF 4

Personal Healing: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual

Read It: Psalm 103:1-5

1 Bless the LORD, O my soul, And all that is within me, bless His holy name.
2 Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits;
3 Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases;
4 Who redeems your life from the pit, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and compassion;
5 Who satisfies your years with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle.

Meditate On It

  1. What is the overall disposition of David in this Psalm? What does it mean to bless the LORD?
  2. What are the various promises of the LORD to those who are His people in this Psalm? List as many as you can find.
  3. How does the Psalm speak to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual conditions in particular? In what way does the LORD address these?

Apply It

Like King David, most of us have experienced tough life situations that may have led us to forget God’s promises. From the Psalms of David, we can see that he experienced death threats from enemies, diseases on his body, difficulties in his journey, discipline due to sin, and devastation in his time. Yet the Lord sustained David and he experienced God’s faithfulness. May we remember that as we go through our own physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual challenges, we can also experience God’s faithfulness in ultimately carrying us through.

  1. There is a tendency for us to forget or take for granted God’s promises in His word. In what way can I take these benefits to heart and pray for them by faith?
  2. How have I experienced challenges in my physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual condition? Have I cried out to God in desperation and dependence? (Take a few minutes to just express your personal ailments, hurts, frustrations, worries, anxieties, guilt, and shame unto the Lord and release all these concerns to Him for He cares for you).
  3. By faith, I will surrender to the Lord this certain aspect of my life…Set Simple, Measurable, Appropriate, Realistic, Time-bound (SMART) commitments

Example: “I will cultivate a life of dependence on God through daily prayer walk and Bible reading (1 chapter a day) starting now.”

Pray It


  • As we pray for healing – whether for ourselves or others – let us trust that God heals in His time and in His way. Instead of demanding or dictating how the Lord should heal us or our loved ones, let us remember to pray with child-like faith — believing that God is the same Healer yesterday, today, and forevermore.
  • Ask the Lord for a personal breakthrough in your health and well-being — pray for a heart that seeks God’s Kingdom above all; let the Holy Spirit guide your lifestyle so that you would take care of your body which is His temple.
  • Pray for good health from the Lord as we do our part in eating properly, sleeping adequately, exercising regularly, and practicing soul care daily (spiritual disciplines, meditation, silence & solitude before the Lord, and more).


  • Let us confess the times we let our worries consume us. For the times that we have relied on our own resources and reasoning, rather than running to God, first and foremost, for our healing and well-being.
  • Take the time to cast your burdens unto the Lord: any discouragement, anxiety, shortcomings, or fear that gets in the way of your relationship with God.


  • Let us pray in faith for God to grant us a spiritual breakthrough in such areas as:
    • Pride, selfishness, self-sufficiency, secret sins
    • Idolatry, greed, materialism
    • Sexual purity, self-control, integrity
    • Addictions (alcohol, drugs, pornography, digital/gaming, gambling, etc.)
    • Bad influences, ungodly relationships, gossip, slander, lying
    • Spiritual warfare and attacks of the enemy (suicidal thoughts and tendencies)
  • Confess and ask forgiveness for sin, shortcomings, and any bondage or addictions; seek God’s restoration in our lives as we repent and surrender


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About this Plan

Words That Heal: Prayer's From God's Word

Our need for healing goes beyond the physical - it goes way deeper. There's also a need to understand what healing really means. We can learn these things through the prayers of Jesus, Moses, Peter, and David.
