The Selfless Self: Give God Your “____Ever”Намуна

The Selfless Self: Give God Your “____Ever”

DAY 5 OF 6


In life, the question of when often boils down to divine timing. Just as we read in Proverbs 16:9, “A person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” This poignant verse informs our devotional today, reminding us that timing is woven into the grand tapestry of God’s divine plan.

Scripture shows the apostle Paul preparing to embark on his mission to Jerusalem. Like many journeys in our own lives, this journey had to be carefully timed. It was dependent on various factors, not least of which was God’s divine plan. Paul’s mission was to deliver the good news of Jesus to the Jewish people while also caring for the Gentiles who had accepted Christ as their Messiah.

Paul knew he needed to tread wisely and rely on God’s timing. He set forth to deliver an offering to Jerusalem and to serve those in need before making his way to Rome and Spain. His actions echo a significant lesson — God’s timing determines our steps. Our lives are not ours alone; they belong to God. Submitting to His divine timing opens the doors to living a purposeful life in accordance with His plan.

I’m reminded of a worship song from the nineties, “Every move I make, I make in You, Jesus. Every breath I take, I take in You. Every step I take, I step with You.” What a beautiful sentiment! Our every step, breath, and move should be made with Jesus, guided by His hand. And when we stumble or feel lost, we must remember the grace and mercy accompanying each step we take with Him.

Emulating Paul’s example, my home church recently raised an offering for world missions, reaching our goal of $1.9 million. These funds are not kept within the church but distributed to fulfill God’s mission, serving as a beacon of hope and relief for those in need. I share this not to brag but to emphasize the power of collective giving. I’ve seen funds poured into foreign missions, church planting in the United States, and projects within our state.

As God guides our steps in His timing, we should remain open to each opportunity He places before us. It could be a chance to pray for someone, to share our faith, or to contribute to an initiative that could change lives. After all, God’s plan for us extends beyond our daily toil, inviting us to make an eternal difference in someone else’s life. So, let’s embrace His timing, His ‘whenever’ and step forward into the opportunities He presents to us. They might just transform our lives and the lives of those around us.

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About this Plan

The Selfless Self: Give God Your “____Ever”

Pastor Gregg Matte calls believers to live missional lives in obedience to God. Regardless of what He calls us to do, where He calls us to go, or when He calls us to do it, being obedient to God’s leading results in a life lived for eternal impact!
