Got Change?Намуна

Got Change?

DAY 7 OF 40


My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son. Hebrews 12: 5-6

Parents are often cautious with small kids; they ensure that they do not do things that will harm them. They look for warning labels on everything possible – baby products, medicines, home appliances and other essentials to ensure that they are safe for their little one, yet when the child disobeys, consumes or does things that they ought not to do, they are chastised. This severity on them seems very harsh but every parent does it for the greater good of the child. However, most of the reprimands of earthy parents stem out of fear.

Our heavenly Father on the other hand does not operate out of fear but out of perfect love. He knows the ultimate best for us, and since we are adopted by Him as His children, He does have to chastise us too. He does this to produce a harvest of righteousness and peace. Contrary to punishment, our Father disciplines us so that we realize our sin and grow in maturity and Christ-likeness.

It is, of course, going to be painful when we are challenged and asked to change, but if we grasp the essence of the discipline, that it is needful for our holiness, it can make our lives better.

Our Father disciplines us through tests, trials and circumstances that make us reflect and do a course-correction. He also uses His body the Church (Mat 18:15-17) and Leaders (Gal 6:1) placed over our lives to confront us with His love so that we heed His words and make a change. He deeply desires to see us metamorphose into His likeness. Discipline is a pointer to His love and helps us belong to His family and the family of families, the Church.

Discipline, when taken in the right spirit, does beget delight, both for us and our Father. May His delight be our delight!

The CHALLENGE to Change:

Take a moment to ponder on your response to discipline of any kind. Most of us react with anger, hurt and a defense of our action. Ask God to help you to be more open to correction and discipline both from Him and from people so that you may grow in understanding and Christ-likeness.
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About this Plan

Got Change?

We keep talking about change, how much this world needs it. True change is not brought about by the formation of new laws, rather by the transformation of each one’s life. You will find in this Plan a reminder for each day of an area we need to change in and grow, prompting us into Christ likeness and becoming the change this world needs to see and emulate. So…..Got Change?
