Speaking Life and Truth Over Your ChildrenНамуна

Speaking Life and Truth Over Your Children

DAY 6 OF 7

Excuse You! Eliminating Hurdles That Keep Your Kids from Talking

A little boy was trying to get the attention of a couple of adults involved in conversation. Mixing up his pronouns, he interrupted with, “Excuse you! Excuse you!”

But was it a mix-up… or was he speaking the truth of his heart? Don’t we all want people to be quiet and listen to us when we have something to say?

While children must learn to wait patiently for their turn to speak, we sometimes struggle to listen to others. Too often, we all want to hear the parts we want to hear and then get on with our own agenda, with little regard for the other person’s thoughts. In our culture, we are often taught to get to the facts quickly. This can leave us with little patience for kids’ babble.

But our heavenly Father works differently. Even though he already knows everything we think and will say, he encourages us to speak to him through prayer. He patiently listens and responds to our prayers.

It's stupid and embarrassing to give an answer before you listen.
Proverbs 18:13 (CEV)

When we interrupt or do not listen to a child, we often respond with the wrong answer because we didn’t take the time to understand the question fully. (The adage, “The answer is easy until you understand the problem,” rings true.) When we jump quickly to our agenda of teaching them something, we are being self-centered . . . the very behavior we want them to avoid.

Children can interpret our unwillingness to listen to them patiently to mean, “I’m not interested in what you are trying to convey. I’m not interested in what’s on your heart and mind. I’m not interested in you.

When we value their perspective, we value them.

Getting a child to talk to you and keeping a teenager in conversation requires patiently listening to what they have to say.

Thank the Lord for listening to you today, and ask him to help you patiently listen the next time you are tempted to interrupt your child. Set aside precious time to listen to whatever your child wants to tell you.


Father God, forgive me for the times I am impatient and have not listened attentively to you and others. Help me to communicate better with my child. Amen.


Conversation starter for kids: Provides you with questions and prompts to facilitate a time of applicable discussion with children to lead them towards knowing God and His Word more deeply.

Question(s): What would you like to tell me?

Apply: Some activities seem to start conversations, even when it is an inconvenient time. Pay attention and try to make room for those activities. If they get chatty at bedtime, start the evening routines earlier so you can sit and talk. Take drives without trying to listen to the radio or be on a phone call. Linger at the dinner table for a few more minutes.


Related passages: These additional verses will help parents expand Scriptural knowledge and place on the armor of God’s Word to tackle each day. Swipe to read the passages today.

Psalm 116:2

James 1:19

Рӯз 5Рӯз 7

About this Plan

Speaking Life and Truth Over Your Children

Our words have power, and what, when, and how we speak to them can leave lasting imprints on the innocent ears of our children. God calls us to tame our tongues to raise spiritually healthy and whole warriors of the faith. This seven-day devotional teaches parents to speak consistent words of encouragement and truth to their spouses and children at the right time.
