Meditations on “The Little Way” of Following JesusНамуна

Meditations on “The Little Way” of Following Jesus

DAY 6 OF 6

The Way of Surrender

At the hour when the sun seems to sink into the vast ocean, leaving behind it a trail of glory, I sat with [my sister] Pauline on a bare rock and gazed for a long while on this golden furrow, which she told me was an image of grace illumining the way of faithful souls here below. Then I pictured my soul as a tiny barque [boat], with a graceful white sail, in the midst of the furrow, and I resolved never to let it withdraw from the sight of Jesus so that it might sail peacefully and quickly toward the heavenly shore.


For years, I have not belonged to myself. I have surrendered myself wholly to Jesus, and He is free to do with me whatsoever He pleases.


I find that trials are a great help toward detachment from the things of earth: they make one look higher than this world. Nothing here can satisfy, and we can find rest only in holding ourselves ready to do God’s will.


We who run in the way of love must never allow ourselves to be disturbed by anything. If I did not simply live from one moment to another, it would be impossible for me to be patient; but I only look at the present, I forget the past, and I take good care not to anticipate the future. When we yield to discouragement or despair, it is usually because we think too much about the past and the future.


I saw at a glance that the task was beyond my strength. Throwing myself without delay into our Lord’s arms, I imitated those tiny children who, when they are frightened, hide their faces on their father’s shoulder….

The knowledge that it was impossible to do anything of myself rendered my task easier. My one interior occupation was to unite myself more and more closely to God, knowing that the rest would be given to me over and above.


When the evening of life comes, I shall stand before You with empty hands, because I do not ask You, my God, to take account of my works. All our works of righteousness are blemished in Your eyes. [See Isaiah 64:6.] I wish, therefore, to be robed with Your own righteousness, and to receive from Your love the everlasting gift of Yourself. I desire no other throne, no other crown, but You, O my Beloved!

Thought: All is well when one seeks only the Master’s will.

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Meditations on “The Little Way” of Following Jesus

We deeply want to love God, but we often find ourselves striving in our efforts to please Him, acutely aware of our weaknesses. St. Thérèse of Lisieux faced similar struggles. She searched the Scriptures until she discovered a path to freedom she called her “little way of trust and absolute surrender” through Jesus. Discover how to rest in the love of your heavenly Father, allowing your faith to flourish.
