Returning to IntimacyНамуна

Returning to Intimacy

DAY 5 OF 5

Putting it into practice

This is the final day of our plan. Now that we understand everything starts with our closeness to God, it is now time to take some steps to establish a firm relationship with Him.

  • Pick a specific time:

Find a time of the day when you’re awake, energetic, and void of distraction. It can be any time, the hour doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you choose a time you can be consistent with. To get yourself started, you could set an alarm for your chosen time as a reminder to go to your secret place to pray. When it comes to the duration of the prayer, start with short prayers. The thought of praying for hours on end is nice, but really not as achievable to begin with. This could end up being disheartening. Perhaps try starting with 10–15 minutes. Later progress to 30 minutes, and so forth. Let this come naturally, you don’t have to force anything.

Just pick your time. Keep in mind, we make time for what we truly value!

  • Picking a place:

This is just as important as Step 1. When first establishing a habit, we should avoid anything that causes friction with the habit. Not having a pre-determined place can cause friction. Simply wondering where to pray can be a hindrance to your new habit. The place you choose can be anywhere private. It could be your room, a closet, or even your bathroom. What’s most important is that a place is established.

  • Remove all distractions:

This means silencing our phones, turning off our TV, and ridding ourselves of anything else that may distract us. It’s vital that our complete attention is directed to speaking with God and understanding His word. You might need to let friends and family know you will be occupied at a specific time. This helps a lot.

  • Have your Bible and notebook nearby:

It’s important to reference your Bible and take note of the things God will share with you over time. The act of writing is a gift God has given to humanity. Writing allows us to express the contents of our hearts, and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, this is amplified.

  • Choose a book from the Bible:

Many people find consistent Bible study difficult because when they try, they don’t even know where to begin. It’s important to first choose a book from the Bible, and/or a study plan. As long as your plan of study is organized, you should be fine. Don’t feel pressured to read the whole Bible as quickly as possible. What matters most is understanding the concepts and receiving revelation through the Holy Spirit.


Father God, today I seek intimacy with you. I want our relationship to be the most important priority in my life. May your Holy Spirit help me consistently seek your presence. Thank you Jesus for looking past my unfaithfulness and being faithful to me always. Jesus, teach me how to love you. Today, I choose to live my life sitting at your feet, rejoicing in your presence and your word. Amen.

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About this Plan

Returning to Intimacy

Throughout this plan we will see what Jesus teaches regarding closeness with God, what intimacy looks like, and how to get close to Him. Our objective is to live a life that is as close to our God as possible.
