

DAY 9 OF 10

Good Things

God is good, all the time. Regardless of our circumstances or feelings, we can always trust and know that He is good.

It’s easy to say God is good in times of joy when new and exciting things come our way. It’s easy to overflow with gratitude when we receive great news, a new baby on the way, healing in a relationship, a blessing coming out of nowhere, or a provision we’ve been hoping and praying for.

But when life throws us pain, loss, heartache, and challenges, we can be quick to question if God is still good. When we’re up against difficult circumstances in life, good things often mock us. Watching people experience blessings, especially in the area that has caused us misery, can feel like salt in a wound.

The enemy wants us to focus on our pain, he wants us to feel self-pity and, even worse, hopelessness. God wants us to focus on the fact that He has good things for us, and that He can use the thing meant to harm us for good. It is powerful when we choose defiant joy and gratitude during trials, trusting that God is good in every season. There are no wasted seasons in His kingdom.

In my hardest moments, my soul doesn’t crave luxuries or things. I need peace. I need quiet and refreshing. In those moments, I need things only God can give me. I need to know that I have a Father that is sovereign and in control.

How amazing it is that God promises us that He will lead us toward not only peace but redemption and straight paths! He promises that if we trust in Him and rest our lives in His hands, He will guide us and refresh us.

God, today, I pray that you’d remind me that Your goodness is always with me, and all good things come from You. Amen.

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