Jesus' Last PrayerНамуна

Jesus' Last Prayer

DAY 1 OF 7

What Jesus Prayed

Glorify your Son. (v. 1)

I learn best how to pray by hearing mature believers pray. Imagine what the disciples learned from hearing Jesus! They were privileged to hear Jesus’ final prayer before the cross. There is so much to see, but observe three things in today’s verses. First, Jesus begins with “Father.” Of Jesus’ 21 prayers recorded in the gospels, all but one begin with “Father.” God is not some distant king ruling over far-away subjects. The all-powerful creator of the universe reigns as a loving father.

Second, Jesus’ main request is for glory. It may sound egotistical, but glory is God’s chief concern: “I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other” (Isa. 42:8). We notice in John 17:2 that by linking his glory and the Father’s, Jesus claims divinity. And by referring to the glory he shared with the Father “before the world existed” (v. 5), he makes it clear that he existed from all eternity. This sounds like John 1:1: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Jesus is God.

Third, Jesus glorifies the Father by giving eternal life to God’s children (v. 2). That is, the Father receives glory by the salvation of sinners like you and me! This is the end for which God created us: that he be praised for all eternity by believers “from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” (Rev. 7:9). This includes us! Thanks be to God!

As you pray, speak to God as Father.


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About this Plan

Jesus' Last Prayer

Do you know how to pray? Do you know what God desires from your prayer life? In Jesus' last prayer, recorded in John 17, we learn what Jesus most wanted from the Father, what he desired for his disciples, and what he prayed even for us. In this 7-day series, learn how Jesus' last prayer can be a guide for your prayers too.
