This Is How I Fight My BattlesНамуна

This Is How I Fight My Battles

DAY 5 OF 5


Have you ever been grocery shopping and realize you're singing along with the music playing in the background? The other day I was strolling up and down the aisles, mindlessly singing the lyrics of some embarrassing pop song from the '90s that I hadn't heard in over 20 years. I suddenly became curious about how I was able to sing it word for word and note for note without missing a beat. I became aware of a specific mood and memory associated with the song. And though in reality, I was grabbing cereal off the shelves at my local grocer in Toronto in wintertime, at that moment I was mentally and emotionally transported back to the heat and fun of my high school summer job lifeguarding in the sun.

God has hardwired something special in our minds when it comes to music. I can't explain the neuroscience of why I struggle to remember what I ate for lunch yesterday, but I can accurately sing a song that I haven't heard in decades. Thankfully, I don't have to understand the process to harness its power. This is the third spiritual weapon that we can glean from the story of King Jehoshaphat - Singing!

I admire Jehoshaphat for his leadership, humility, and the way he sought after God and was devoted to His Word, but something I really like about this guy is that he loved to sing! No doubt he learned this from his forefather David. David is the author of nearly half of the Psalms in the Bible. Psalm is a fancy Biblical word for song or hymn. So when you look through the book of Psalms and see, "A Psalm of David" over and over again - recognize that these were the songs David wrote and sang to God! David and Jehoshaphat understood and tapped into the power of worship as a weapon.

Let's go back to where we left off yesterday. King Jehoshaphat has just given his army the best pep talk you'll ever hear, preparing them to stand firm against the enemy who is fast approaching. Then what? Does he tell the soldiers to draw their swords? Does he command the archers to bend their bows? Nope. He says, "Okay guys, now I'm going to pick some of you to go out ahead of the army to lead us in song. Start singing about how great God is and thank Him for all He has done, and we'll all join in!" Seriously? Jehoshaphat, there are three armies coming to annihilate you, and you're singing???

Yes, Jehoshaphat began to sing. It was completely counterintuitive, but Jehoshaphat knew that worship is a weapon. From his study of the Scriptures - the Psalms of David - he would have known that God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). In other words, Jehoshaphat knew that when we praise God, God shows up!

Look what happens next:

"And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir who had come against Judah, and they were [self-] slaughtered (2 Chronicles 20:22 AMPC).

Worship is a weapon. There is something special that happens spiritually when we sing.

At times, I've felt too weary to lift my shield of faith. But I could listen to a song about God's goodness and sing along. Sometimes, I've been too anxious to draw my sword and remember the perfect Bible verse that applies to my situation. But I could recall and sing a song that reminds me of a time when God brought me through a previous battle. Singing gives me hope. Singing reminds me of who God is and what He has brought me through, and what He promises to do again. When I turn my eyes toward Jesus and sing about His love, power, goodness, and faithfulness, the enemies of fear or anxiety, despair, and discouragement are ambushed by my weapon of worship.

Friend, I know that life can feel like a battle most days. I pray that as we've journeyed together, you've learned as I have that God has armed us with powerful spiritual weapons for our daily life: the Shield of Faith, the Sword of the Spirit - the Word of God, and the Weapon of Worship through Singing. Take up your weapons, Son of Adam. Take up your weapons, Daughter of Eve. You are not alone and unarmed. This is how we fight our battles.


As my boys ran around the house that day with their makeshift shields and swords, they shrieked with gratitude, "Mom, these weapons are amazing!" I smiled and said a silent prayer in my heart, Heavenly Father - I couldn't agree more!


Let's Pray:

Lord, I praise You and thank You for who You are. Thank You for the spiritual weapons You've given me as your son or daughter to stand firm in Your strength. Holy Spirit, remind me to use them during my daily battles and teach me how to use them. I believe You are with me and for me. I love You, Lord. Amen.

Take Action:

Use all three of the spiritual weapons we've learned about today! Even if you don't "feel" it, put on a worship song that includes lyrics from Scripture. Sing along and watch your faith (shield) grow as you wield the Word (your sword)!

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This Is How I Fight My Battles

As a mom of young boys, there are days when I feel battle-worn before my workday begins. It can seem like a paradox when Scripture instructs us to put on God's armour and take up His weapons, but also says the battle is His. Join me as we draw insight from God's Word about King Jehoshaphat, the spiritual weapons he used, and how they apply to our lives today.
