Love That TriumphsНамуна

Love That Triumphs

DAY 4 OF 7

Love Triumphs over Bitterness

‘Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.’

(Colossians 3:13 NLT)

Ironically, this devotional may be a bitter pill to swallow. Particularly if you are in the throes of pain or offence.

When talking about bitterness and the effects of unforgiveness, the above verse springs to mind.


I’m sure, at one time or another, we have all experienced a situation, person, or circumstance that has offended us.

The temptation may be to go over and over the offending incident in our minds and hearts again and again and again, almost like the repetition of churning the event over vindicates us in some way.

It does not.

All it does is harden our hearts towards the offending person or situation, making it more and more difficult to forgive, let go and move on.

When I think of bitterness visually, I imagine a heart. A heart that is covered in a layer of hardness, instead of beating normally, it is restricted to beat within the confines of its limited space.

I believe that an offending incident can lead to offence being taken. If we don’t forgive the incident, we eventually wind up bitter. The unforgiveness festers and takes root in our hearts, causing a hardness of heart.

My encouragement to us today is that bitterness is not the only route we can take.

We can forgive.

Where bitterness demands an account, love forgives.

Love trusts that God sees and knows all and will resolve the situation according to His will.

The ultimate example of forgiveness and love can be found at the Cross.

Jesus, Himself said these words:

“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing.”

(Luke 23:34 NLT)

As He hung there on the Cross of His underserved punishment Jesus asked God to forgive those who had put Him there.

With literally every reason in the world to leave us in our sin and condemnation, Jesus extends a hand of grace.

Therefore, what right do we have to withhold forgiveness from our fellow man when they offend us?

I do not say this from a place of condemnation but rather of conviction. May we be convicted by the Holy Spirit when we are tempted to withhold forgiveness from another. And may we have the humility and mercy to forgive and move on.

Some events and offences may take some time to process before we can come to a place where we are ready to forgive, but forgive we must, for our own sakes as much as the offender's.

Forgoing bitterness and practicing forgiveness frees us as it releases our offenders into the hands of God for His justice to take place.

Love triumphs over bitterness, every time.

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About this Plan

Love That Triumphs

In the midst of trials, love can - and does – triumph. It is never easy - choosing to love when you are angry, hurt, or upset is a challenge that can test the most tender of hearts. But, with God, it is possible. Let’s explore how love, when tested, can conquer, succeed and triumph in the most difficult of situations.
