How to Have the Best Year EverНамуна

How to Have the Best Year Ever

DAY 1 OF 5

Be Intentional, Don't Be Random

As we begin a new year, we often have lofty plans and goals. Our New Year's resolutions are ready to start the year with a bang. But somewhere along the way, often early than we expected, our good intentions begin to wane. Before long, we are back in the same habits and lifestyle we had the previous year, feeling defeated and perhaps even a little guilty. One problem may be that our list of resolutions may be too long or too daunting.

If we haven't read a book in ten years, then our commitment to reading a book a week will probably not happen. However, if we set a goal to read a book a quarter this year and a book a month next year, we have a greater potential for success. Setting reasonable, achievable goals is important, but this alone is no guarantee. Even if we set a very modest goal of reading a book a quarter, we have the best chance of success if we have intermediate goals that help us achieve our ultimate goal. For example, we may decide to read for ten minutes a day or for an hour a week. Perhaps setting a specific time during the day or week that we will read will help, especially if we set an alarm or reminder to make sure we don't forget. The bottom line is this: "Be intentional, don't be random."

Changing habits or incorporating something new in our lives never just happens by accident. We must be intentional to do that; it is hard to be intentional about many new things. For example, we don't learn multiplication tables because we have flashcards in our house. We must be intentional about reviewing them consistently. Likewise, we will not grow significantly in our Christian life simply by waking up day after day. Paul tells Timothy that intentionality is essential as he states, "Be diligent (or study) to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, handling the word of truth accurately." Growing in our understanding of God and His Word is something we must be intentional about. If we aren't diligent in studying it, we cannot handle it accurately.

This year, prioritize a small list of realistic goals (I recommend a focus on at least one aspect of your spiritual life as a place to start), and develop a plan that will help you stay intentional in creating new life habits. Random and haphazard will never help. On the other hand, one or two successes are far better than a dozen failures. So be intentional with a few things, and have a great year.

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About this Plan

How to Have the Best Year Ever

Do you start each year with the best intentions, only to abandon your resolutions and goals again and again? It is time for all that to end! But it is not going to happen by accident. As you learn to be intentional with your spiritual life, avoid worry, increase your faith, and focus on others, you will discover the life you are meant to live. This year could be your best year ever!
