How to Be Certain That My Life Is a Blessing?Намуна

How to Be Certain That My Life Is a Blessing?

DAY 4 OF 4

How does He make you useful?

Jesus promises His disciples that He will ask the Father to send a Helper just like Himself so that He will teach us all things (Jn 14:26). That same Helper is with us and indwells in us today! He teaches us the ways of God, the purposes, and the will of God through the Word.

He prepares us by giving us the power to be a witness. The problem is not that we don’t have a story to tell. But that we lack courage or are fearful. We may not trust God completely to make our paths straight.

The Christian life is impossible without the indwelling, guiding, and empowering of the Holy Spirit. He is God with us, he guides us according to His Word and gives us the power to be a witness to others. The Spirit gives us a glimpse of heaven while we are on earth, whetting our appetite to keep wanting more and craving something more meaningful than what the flesh has to offer. Our Spirit longs for an intimate relationship with God.

Once we make that switch, the desires of the flesh don’t matter anymore. We have a heavenly mission, and we start to invest in people and relationships with eternal significance.

Have we simply agreed to Christ, or do we believe that we have the Spirit of God dwelling in us? This is a concept that has sadly lost its preeminence. If we look at the Old Testament, we saw the reverence and the trembling the Israelites had when God’s Spirit resided in the tabernacle amongst the people. They knew God was with them and that His favor was upon them. The same picture happens at the Pentecost and God comes down individually to each person. There is a direct connection with God. We become a living, spiritual temple of God.

So, as we submit our lives to God, to be used by Him for any good work, His Spirit empowers us to live a life as a powerful witness for Him.

Questions or thoughts to think about:

  1. Are we being sanctified by Jesus daily?
  2. Are we Christians that just “agree” to Christ or believe in the power that He has given to us to be a witness to people?

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How to Be Certain That My Life Is a Blessing?

Find out how God makes you holy, useful, and prepared so that you can be a channel of His blessing to others to transform, inspire and change lives just like Jesus did!
