In the Beginning: Reading Through GenesisНамуна

Family Life
Read: Genesis 24–25
If the Christian faith is to be passed on to the next generation, strong family life must be developed. This can only occur when both husband and wife are believers. Likewise, Abraham in his day was rightly concerned that his son should marry someone who believed in the one true God. He, therefore, took steps to do what he could to cause this to happen. What an important lesson for us.
The servant Abraham sends to find a wife for Isaac is a great illustration of how faith is caught through observing someone else’s life. What a wonderful prayer for guidance the servant prays. And God answers that prayer in a remarkable way.
One is also impressed with Rebekah’s willingness to agree to what is obviously God’s will by leaving her family behind to go to an unknown place and to become the wife of a man she has never met. Oh that all believing young people would seek God’s will carefully in the choice of a marriage partner. How much happier they would be. How much stronger would family life be?
But we also see mistakes in family living. Abraham lives among pagans who practice polygamy. And Rebekah, having twins, plays favorites between them. That is something parents should be careful to avoid. We should strive to love all our children equally but not the same, for love responds according to each one’s needs.
Prayer: Father, guide Christian young people to choose fellow Christians to marry and with whom to build solid Christian homes. Help them to be wise parents. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
About this Plan

"In the beginning . . ." These words are familiar even if you haven't read the Bible before. They take you to the start of the story—and the start of the Bible is the beginning of creation and the beginning of God's holy and loving relationship with us. Over 16 days, read through the book of Genesis and learn how the story of God and his people began. Adapted from Words of Hope's Read the Bible in a Year.