Victory Over Shame and GuiltНамуна

Victory Over Shame and Guilt

DAY 5 OF 5

Jesus will always tell you the truth

For those of you who read these daily miracles to your family, please know that today's "miracle" has some sensitive content.

"Well, she brought it upon herself! Look at the way she's walking around…she's practically inviting it." These are terrible lies that I've unfortunately heard many times in reference to women who have been abused.

I also was raped. Even though I hadn't dressed provocatively, this cruel act still happened, and the exact same lie dominated my thoughts: "It's your fault—you brought this upon yourself."

I don't know what you've experienced in your life journey. I don't know your story or what may be hurting your soul right now. Still, as different (or similar) as our stories may be, the truth remains the same: Just because someone says something negative about you does NOT mean you have to accept it as your truth!

"'My sheep hear My voice…'" (John 10:27, NKJV). This verse is short but life-saving because the Lord says He will always tell you the truth (see Numbers 23:19):

  1. You are wanted."Your eyes saw my body even before it was formed…" (Psalm 139:16, NIRV)
  2. This is not the end."'I am about to do something new…'"! (Isaiah 43:19, NIRV)
  3. Jesus came to set you free!"...The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed." (Isaiah 53:5, NKJV)

God longs to speak to you through these truths and so many others found in the Bible. Do you hear His voice today? Or are you still listening to the voices that hurt you?

I'd love to pray for you today…"Jesus, You know what's bothering and weighing on this soul right now. I know that You are a God of miracles! So I ask You to help this amazing person to learn to clearly hear Your voice—and that no voice of a stranger would hinder! Thank You for the miracles You're doing today! In Jesus' name, amen."

You are a miracle!


P.S. The texts of this reading come from the daily email called A Miracle Every Day. You are invited to receive a daily message and be blessed by the writing of Déborah Rosenkratz and Grant Fishbook . If you want to receive an email every day, click here to subscribe.

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