Parasha Minute: Genesis / BreisheetНамуна

"God’s Righteousness"
Sha’ul (Paul), a teacher of Torah, sensed confusion among Jew and Gentiles believers regarding the righteousness of God and obedience to the law. He explained: We obey the law because it pleases God, and our Creator’s guidelines’ keep us safe. Obedience to the law does not declare one righteous or worthy. Righteousness or right standing is only attained through 1) a Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) and 2) believing in Him as the promised Son of God. Trust produced righteousness the same way secure relationships merited both parties.
Why was there need for circumcision? Not to qualify one into righteousness but to celebrate the bonds of a relationship. Circumcision was a sign and seal of the righteousness credited to one because of faith in God. Reflections / Prayer: Adonai, only by believing in your Son and consecrating us to Yourself are we saved. Thank you for calling Avraham righteous, not because of legalistic observances but on the basis of a faith relationship.
Sha’ul (Paul), a teacher of Torah, sensed confusion among Jew and Gentiles believers regarding the righteousness of God and obedience to the law. He explained: We obey the law because it pleases God, and our Creator’s guidelines’ keep us safe. Obedience to the law does not declare one righteous or worthy. Righteousness or right standing is only attained through 1) a Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) and 2) believing in Him as the promised Son of God. Trust produced righteousness the same way secure relationships merited both parties.
Why was there need for circumcision? Not to qualify one into righteousness but to celebrate the bonds of a relationship. Circumcision was a sign and seal of the righteousness credited to one because of faith in God. Reflections / Prayer: Adonai, only by believing in your Son and consecrating us to Yourself are we saved. Thank you for calling Avraham righteous, not because of legalistic observances but on the basis of a faith relationship.
About this Plan

31 days of 1-3 minute practical insight based on the week’s Parasha—the Jewish annual reading guide covering the first 5 books of the Bible, Torah. Daily Words on the Book of Genesis / B’reisheet include B’reisheet (In the beginning), Noach (Noah), Lech Lecha (Get yourself out) and Vayera (He appeared). Revisit with Hebraic perspective, old and new words inspired by the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) pointing us to Yeshua (Jesus).
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