

DAY 5 OF 8

Do you ever walk and text at the same time? What about running and picking a new song at the same time? Maybe it’s just me, but I’m incapable of doing both well simultaneously. I end up walking into the street without looking or tripping over a root when my eyes are set on things below. I miss out on the beauty of the big picture and stumble over the traps in front of me.

In this chapter, Paul argues the same thing for our spiritual lives.

“...set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:1-2

Set your hearts first on the things of Heaven, and then set your minds. Paul is saying our desire should be for heavenly things… ETERNITY!!! And when we think about what’s waiting for us in heaven, it changes how we act here on earth.

So Paul transitions to teaching about behavior. He calls them, and us, to put to death our old ways. This is a powerful term, drawing the picture of these things being totally eliminated, not just placed under tighter control.

Then he lists the old ways out! He draws close attention to sin. When was the last time you acknowledged your sin in such an intentional way? He calls out the obvious ones - sexual impurity- all the way down to the inner ones that can sneak past notice- anger, malice. Our new selves in Christ should have no ties to anything, big or small, that doesn’t reflect the image and character of Jesus.

  1. What earthly things are your heart and mind set on?
  2. Spend time listing your sins in confession to the Lord.
  3. Why does thinking of Heaven change our behavior?
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About this Plan


Paul’s letter to the church of Colosse is not your typical love letter. While written in love, he has the purpose of correcting some false teaching seeping in through the church’s own walls. In this 8-day devotional, we will spend two days deep in each chapter, searching for our own corrections!
