God Speaks to WomenНамуна

God Speaks to Women

DAY 7 OF 7


The Shunammite woman in second Kings, chapter four, honored the prophet, Elisha, by asking her husband to build a room in their home for the prophet to rest when he was in Shunem. Elisha discovered the woman was barren, and to show her his appreciation for her kindness, he promised her that she would have a son. One day after the woman's son came of age to go to the fields with the men, he complained of a headache, and his father sent the boy to his mother, where he died. The Shunammite woman placed her son's body on the prophet's bed and went to meet Elisha, believing God for a miracle. In such a critical moment, this woman of faith teaches us several lessons.

Faith births action. The woman declared her faith by taking action. She saw life in a dead situation and was moved by her faith to seek God for a miracle. She may not have known how or what the Lord God would do, but she knew He was able. The woman’s faith was rooted in God’s ability, and as a result, she received her blessing. “Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works (James 2:17-18).”

When we face difficult times, we must speak our faith. As the Shunammite woman approached Elisha at Carmel, he sent his servant to meet the woman and ask if all was well with her. Out of the woman's trust in God, she answered the prophet by saying, "It is well." We must speak what we believe despite what we see (or may not see). Jesus said to his disciples, “For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.” Mark 11:23 KJV

We should not allow our heartache and despair to overrule our faith. Only a woman who has lost a child can understand the pain and sorrow this mother endured. It would have been so easy to be consumed with her grief and to give up on life and God. But she did not allow her emotions to diminish her faith. Instead, she used her pain as motivation to go to the man of God. After she declared all was well to the prophet, she confronted him concerning the promise he made her about the birth of her son. The prophet responded and went to the home of the Shunammite woman and resurrected her son by the power of God.

We look beyond our circumstances. The Shunammite woman looked beyond her son’s lifeless body and saw him resurrected by faith. She held on to her faith and used it to take the action needed to receive from God. She did not allow what she saw in the natural to cause her to waver in her faith. This mother’s focus was not on her son's death, but she believed in God for her son’s life. Our circumstances do not define us. Therefore, we must look beyond what we see in the natural, knowing God has a plan and a purpose for us. He intends to bring us to an expected end, and we have a future and hope in Him.

PRAYER: Faithful God, we put our faith in You, Who has never failed. Help us to remain steadfast in the face of all life events and challenges. When confronted with what seems impossible, show Yourself strong on our behalf that You may be glorified. Amen.

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About this Plan

God Speaks to Women

The seasons of womanhood can be challenging and difficult to understand. God blesses us with seasoned women to guide us along our journey who have trodden the path before us and know the way. And He has given us His word to reveal his love and purpose for us. This seven-day devotional will help women live a life of faith and purpose.
