Trust That God Is in Control.Намуна

Trust That God Is in Control.

DAY 5 OF 6

We Can Plan, but the Lord Determines Our Steps

by Rev. Joel Gaertner

“Who’s in control?” This question often prompts a difficult conversation. It is human nature to want to be in control, to know what’s going on and what’s going to happen. It is hard to ignore the current climate in our country about who’s in control and what they are doing. The verse above reminds us that:

  1. this situation is really nothing new.
  2. the focus is often on the wrong place and person.

Ever since the first sin of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, human beings have had issues with authority and those who are in power. The rise and fall of nations are captured in the Old Testament and in history books. There is a recurring theme of problems with authority. Time after time, the Bible records how even God’s people weren’t happy with who was ruling and what they were doing. There were tensions between countries and rulers that resulted in wars and unrest. The verse above from the Old Testament is quoted in the New Testament in Acts 4:25 as Peter and John work to demonstrate the authority by which they are preaching the Gospel.

If you continue reading in Psalm 2, you are reminded that the focus is often on the wrong place and on the wrong person: “The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them.” (Psalm 2:4) Those difficult words remind us of how often we fail to obey the first commandment, putting someone or something first instead of God.

Think about times when you are facing challenges or difficulties in the world or in your life. Is your first instinct to turn to God in prayer? To go back to his Word to remind yourself that no matter what is going on, God is always in control?

The reason people rage and plot is because they want control. They think they have a better plan than the almighty God and they are too impatient to trust him and wait. There are many Bible verses that remind us that God is always in control; my favorite is Proverbs 16:9: “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD determines their steps.”

How often do you get frustrated, angry, and worried because things don’t go the way you want them to? Stop and ponder who is really in charge of our lives. The answer is always “God,” no matter what we think or how things appear. Patiently trust him and his perfect plans!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, forgive me for the times I am impatient or fail to trust you and the way you are guiding and directing things in the world and in my life. Give me a stronger faith to patiently wait for you to do what is best and to trust that you always have the best in mind for me and everyone around me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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About this Plan

Trust That God Is in Control.

How often do you get frustrated, angry, and worried because things don’t go the way you want them to? Stop and ponder who is really in charge of our lives. The answer is always “God,” no matter what we think or how things appear. Patiently trust him and his perfect plans! This six-day devotion series addresses how we can learn to trust God and understand that he remains in control.
