Uncommen: Armor of GodНамуна

Uncommen: Armor of God

DAY 3 OF 5

Our Mighty Shield

In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. (Ephesians 6:16)

It is pretty incredible that our faith can stop all arrows from the evil one. The evil one is not typically going to go hand-to-hand with us in combat, but he sends over these arrows at us from a distance. That shows a considerable amount of cowardice, but it is also a warning for us. Our faith will always prepare us for these arrows that can sneak up on us when we least expect them.

Paul is advising us to take action here - taking up, which means you need to lift it up. Faith isn’t passive, it is active. Likewise, our shield is only effective if we will lift it up and use it for defense. Can we also be brutally honest here? Sometimes in our lives, that shield is heavy. A job loss, illness, death, or many other things can make faith a real challenge. This is when we should also take the advice of many in the New Testament: to surround ourselves with other brothers in Christ. In several movies, you will often see this strategy where the soldiers will come together and put up their shields, protecting themselves from a barrage of arrows coming in multiple directions. Where one shield can stop a forward attack, having your brothers lift their shields, you can collectively stop arrows from a variety of directions.

It does not mean our walk as Christian men is to be done alone. Jesus kept the company of His 12, and likewise, we should invest in a similar model. When we gather as Christian men, our shield is strengthened because when we are too tired, weak, or distracted, our brothers can help block those arrows with their shields.

Question 1: Is your shield at the ready today, or is it in the closet tucked away?

Question 2: Can you express when you know the shield defended you?

Challenge: What men can you reach out to today and let them know you are ready to lift your shield with them?

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