Real Hope: Discovering Hope in the Life of DavidНамуна

Real Hope: Discovering Hope in the Life of David

DAY 3 OF 5

David And Goliath: Bold Faith

David saw things from the Lord’s perspective, but the men of Israel saw things only from man’s perspective. King Saul and his men were battling the Philistines, one of whom was Goliath, a 9-foot giant. Goliath was mocking the almighty God of heaven and earth, and he challenged God’s people to stand up to him and demonstrate that their God was more powerful than he was. David heard Goliath’s taunts while on an errand from his father to take supplies to his brothers stationed on Israel’s front line (v. 23). Filled with faith and a passion for God’s name that was being blasphemed by Goliath, David slew the giant with a stone from his sling. When the Philistines realised their hero had been killed, they fled before the Israelites who had won a decisive victory over them.

David was no physical match for Goliath, but that’s nothing when the Lord fights for you. He was courageous because he knew that God was infinitely more powerful than Goliath. In that moment, David walked by faith and not by sight (see 2 Corinthians 5:17). He was fearless because he was confident that ‘the battle is the Lord’s’ who ‘saves not with sword and spear’ but by his own almighty power (v. 47). David serves as an example for us because no matter what challenges we face in life, the battle belongs to the Lord. The God we serve can defeat the giants in our lives – fear, financial issues, anxiety and our doubts.

With this certainty, we are able to trust the Lord with confidence and, like David, act courageously in light of that trust. And ‘with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need’ (Hebrews 4:16 ESV).


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About this Plan

Real Hope: Discovering Hope in the Life of David

A series by Heidi Wysman. David is one of the most referenced people in the Bible with sixty-six chapters dedicated to him. By studying David’s life, we discover that God is writing the story of our salvation. We may feel like we have very little to offer God, but that’s based on our limited perspective. When God calls, He empowers us.
