Year of the Bible: Part Six of Twelve Намуна

Year of the Bible: Part Six of Twelve

DAY 5 OF 30

From Bad to Worse and Grace Still Abounds

The story of one bad King to another bad King continues. In the following chapters, we encounter the worst King of Israel: Ahab. The testimony of Ahab's reign states that "Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the sight of the LORD, more than all who were before him."

However, the plan of God is always a plan of redemption and rescue from evil. Even amid a crooked, cruel culture, God raises a prophet to bring the Word of the Lord and to demonstrate God's power, kindness, and good character: Elijah the Tishbite. Reading through 1 Kings 17, we see the power of God displayed through a man of faith. We see the provision of God displayed in the provisions for life. We see the kindness of God displayed even to those "outside the faith."

Question: When you read these chapters, what stands out to you? Do you see the judgment for disobedience coming? Do you notice the kindness of God amid evil activity? What do you focus on: the judgment or the kindness of God?

Prayer: As we encounter an increasingly evil culture, let us ask God to show us His heart for those who are victims of the enemy, those deceived by the culture. Let us seek His plan for how to be like Elijah, a man who prayed in faith and lived by faith for a faithful God.

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About this Plan

Year of the Bible: Part Six of Twelve

This twelve-part plan can be read alone, with a group, or with your family! This month, you will read about major events in 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Nehemiah and Ester, learning new parts of the unified story that leads to Jesus. Let's dive into part six of twelve!
