Worship: A Key in Spiritual WarfareНамуна

Worship: A Key in Spiritual Warfare

DAY 5 OF 8

Worshipping in Truth

… Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. ... Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth…
Ephesians 6:10-11, 14

When we encounter situations where we discern a demonic component to them or folks afflicted by the enemy’s strongholds, we must ensure our protection by putting on God’s armor Ephesians 6:10-18.

The Apostle Paul describes the various aspects of this armor when we wage war in prayer against the enemy. How does this apply to the role of worship during these times of battle? The first piece of armor is the belt of truth. Let’s align that thought with Jesus’ words in John 4:24 when He said that those who desire to worship God must do so in spirit and truth.

Yes, all worship must come from our spirit deep within, which is the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit. And, worship that touches heaven must come from a first-love place in our hearts enhanced by inviting the Spirit’s leading. As Jesus quoted from Isaiah 29:13, we can say all the right words, but if our heart isn’t in it, our worship is in vain Mark 7:6-7.

We must also worship in truth. Let’s look briefly at two reasons why this is important regarding the belt of truth.

First, we worship from the truth of where our own lives are at the moment. In other words, we must be real with ourselves and Jesus about where we are. No trying to hide anything from Him—as if we could! Owning up to our failings and weaknesses in truth as we worship aids us in receiving His powerful grace that is always more than enough 2 Cor. 12:9. Spiritual victories depend solely upon Him and not our efforts.

Next, we enter spiritual battle declaring what we know from the Scriptures: the truth of Who He is, who we are in Him, and the truth of His Word. Expressing these truths in worship helps fasten the belt of truth securely around us.

So, the next time we head into battle-prayer, let’s be sure to secure the core of our being with the belt of truth. Doing so in authentic adoration exalts the Most High, clears our minds from falsehood and lies, reminds us of our position in Jesus, and puts the enemy on notice as to Who is Boss!

What does it mean for you to wear the belt of truth?

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About this Plan

Worship: A Key in Spiritual Warfare

We recognize the enjoyment and power of worshiping God and drawing near to His heart. Yet, there is more. Let’s be reminded that worship is also a key in spiritual warfare that can bring breakthroughs in the heavenly realm to miraculously change circumstances in our physical realm. Whether we are battle-praying over situations or directly encountering demonic influence in people’s lives, worship has a significant role in defeating the enemy.
