From Fear to SecurityНамуна

From Fear to Security

DAY 2 OF 6

The peace you're seeking…

"I feel like there is nothing I can do about it. I feel hopeless."

In my coaching sessions, I hear this statement often, especially when it comes to the topic of fear. It is unfortunate, but many currently feel trapped in a one-way street of hopelessness.

Today there is good news! There is a way you can find a one-way street of peace and overcome your fears!

This peace that you may be seeking is ALREADY in you! You just have to remember and look up. You're practically there…you just have to be aware of it!

"'These things I have spoken to you, that IN ME you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.'" (John 16:33, NKVJ, capitalization added)

A synonym for the word "overcome" is "finished." This is what I believe God is saying to you today: "Whatever fear you have today, I've already taken care of it! You don't have to worry about something that's already taken care of! Remain IN ME…remain IN MY PEACE!"

That peace is already inside you now—you just need to call it forth! Imagine you're staying in a room on the 11th floor of a hotel. However, your stomach is growling, and the restaurant is on the first floor. What do you do? You call the elevator, and then it comes. Sometimes it may take a little longer than you expect, but you can be sure that it will come.

It's the same with the peace Jesus has placed in your heart! He is already there! But you have to call upon Him. And again, it may sometimes take longer than you expect, but you can be sure that HE WILL COME.

Realize today that you're not on a hopeless, one-way street at all if you know Jesus…you have always been on the one-way street of peace, HIS PEACE!

Would you declare the following sentences together with me?

I will live from His peace, and I will no longer let fear defeat me!

For His peace in me is greater than any fear in me!


You're a miracle!



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About this Plan

From Fear to Security

Are you struggling with fear? Fear is a natural part of our lives, so how do we deal with fear and move into security? Spend the week finding out about your eternal security, and how fear has no power in your life.
