Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What MattersНамуна

Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What Matters

DAY 7 OF 10

Being Right Before God

"A house divided against itself cannot stand."
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States of America

This famous line came from Abraham Lincoln’s speech in 1858 when he drew attention to his government’s split over the issue of slavery. Though said years ago under a very different context, this line still resonates and holds true for us as believers today.

Besides facing external opposition to the rebuilding work, Nehemiah now faced internal obstacles. To pay for food and taxes, the poor Jews had to borrow from the rich Jews, who charged them interest. Their situation was so dire that they even had to sell their children to the rich Jews as slaves. Unsurprisingly, the poor raised a great outcry against the rich for their acts of exploitation. While the Jews sought to rebuild the walls together, in reality, they were at odds with one another.

The underlying challenge confronting the Jews was not their financial issues, but their relationships with one another. In the same way, as God rebuilds our lives both individually and as His church, some of our relational issues may resurface. It could be bitterness or unforgiveness towards a believer that we chose to sweep under the carpet some time ago. It could be feelings of being hurt and misunderstood by other believers that we never addressed.

In response, Nehemiah urged the rich Jews to do what was right in the eyes of God. He even appealed to them on the basis of how God’s people are called to live differently from the Gentiles. The watching world would likely scoff at the church when they see how believers are no different when it comes to relational difficulties. As the people of God, the church is to be a contrast community that chooses to love and forgive, just as Christ did.

As God is working to rebuild our lives in Him, you may be reminded of some unresolved issues you have with a brother or sister. God longs for His people to be one people, united in the Spirit as one body. Today, would we remember Christ Jesus who first forgave us? Would we choose to love and forgive one another so that we can stand in unity as God’s people?

Pray Together

Is God reminding you of any unresolved issues with another believer? Pray for a renewed understanding of His love and grace and ask Him to enable you to follow in His ways.

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About this Plan

Brick by Brick - Rebuilding What Matters

We know the frustration of taking a wrong turn and going off track. It happens, even in our spiritual lives; but, thankfully, we can turn back, and rebuild what matters. The Israelite remnant that returned from exile to the Promised Land rebuilt their walls brick by brick. Let's share in their journey of spiritual renewal in God.
