Spirit, Soul & Body Part 1Намуна

Spirit, Soul & Body Part 1

DAY 4 OF 5

This Soul of Mine


You have a Soul -it is not visible to sight, but in it is found your perceptive, intellect, qualities of personality and emotion. Together they are your faculties of conscience.

Pause and consider that for a moment.

Reflect for a moment on the difference you now see between spirit, body, and soul.


‘Believe in’, ‘set their minds on’, ‘live according to’, ‘present your bodies’, ‘be transformed’ these phrases are pivotal to the understanding of just how important a role the soul has in the context of your being. A person’s mind can thwart the expression of the spirit through the body or it can enable the new life alive in spirit to be expressed outwardly.

Every person has the capacity to live being led by the carnal (fleshly) desires - some, such as eating for nutrition, are good, while others, such as lusting for pleasure bring damage.

In Jesus we have the capacity to live in this carnal (fleshly), physical experience whilst living from the spiritual reference, found in the life-giving spirit of Jesus. Our soul and body need to be aligned with the finished work of Jesus since our spirit is already complete in him. The biggest barrier to living and enjoying life with satisfaction of your completeness in Christ is the power of your mind. Brought into surrender to the lordship of Jesus, the mind functions as it was designed to, from innocence, righteousness and authority.

Your Next Step

Where is your mind not attentive to the finished work of Jesus? How is your experience of peace and contentment within your soul? Be honest to God and yourself.

Invite the holy spirit to show any blind spots in your perception. Talk to God about your realisations and surrender to the command of Romans 12.

[If you have a leader or friend you can call, do so now, explain what you’re doing and read the following as your confession and ask them to pray for you]

“I commit to you as my witness, by the mercies of God, to present my body as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is my spiritual worship. I will not be conformed to this world, but receive transformation by the renewal of my mind through Christ Jesus, discerning what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

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About this Plan

Spirit, Soul & Body Part 1

The following reading plan will take you deeper into the three concepts of Spirit, Soul and Body at a steady pace, building on the message of Jesus' finished work. It will stretch, challenge and grow you as his follower. Make sure to allow the Holy Spirit space to work in you and to shape you. See the impact for yourself. This is the 1st of 4 plans in this series.
