Your Bible, Your Coach, Your Purpose Намуна

Your Bible, Your Coach, Your Purpose

DAY 3 OF 3


Today is our last day together. I'm believing this devotional will be the confirmation you need to take action. You matter. Your assignment on this planet matters. Your purpose matters. Before I get too emotional and give you a farewell hug, let's talk about Auggie.

Auggie was a boy who had a facial deformity. Maybe you've read the book or seen the film, Wonder. It's one of our family's favorite films. Auggie was always home-schooled. His parents did their best to protect him from bullies. But finally, the day arrived when Auggie would need to attend school with other kids. It was time for middle school.

As a parent, I could only imagine how terrifying this could be for a child. Especially since Auggie was used to wearing a NASA-looking helmet outside of the house. His face was never shown.

Attending school would change all of that. His family and Auggie would be forced to face their greatest fear, rejection. As a father of three, I get choked up just thinking about what that would be like for a child and a parent. Auggie managed to get through it. He was bullied and made fun of, but he kept on. Ultimately, he conquered his fear, gained confidence, and created friendships. His life was on an authentic NASA-like trajectory.

He used his pain for progress. His mess became his message. On this last day together, what if I asked you, "what are you hiding?" What NASA-like helmet are you wearing?

  • What are you afraid to show others?
  • Why are you afraid?
  • What does that fear look like?
  • What does that shame feel like?
  • What does it feel like?
  • What does freedom look like?
  • What does freedom feel like?
  • What do you want to become?

I remember when I was afraid to take off my helmet. The fear of man crippled me. The fear of rejection kept me living a small life. I felt so frustrated, undervalued, and unnoticed. I knew I needed to make changes in my life, but I was so scared. I was afraid to lose my job. I was afraid to fail. I was afraid of rejection. I was afraid of making the wrong choice. I don't remember exactly what pushed me over the edge, but I do remember the story. It was during one of my quiet times when I began to read through Matthew 25 and the parable of the talents. You know the story.

One of the stewards had five talents, another two talents, and the final steward had one talent. The steward with five talents and two talents doubled their talents. The steward with one talent was afraid of the master and buried his talent in the ground. The master then took the one talent from the steward who buried his and gave it to the steward who had five talents. This hit like a truck.

I knew I had other talents, but I had buried them in the ground. I was so convicted. I immediately began taking massive amounts of action. I removed my helmet of fear. Everything that held me back I began attacking. I had to become accountable. I had to take ownership.

And this is the same challenge I have for you. Rip the helmet of fear off your life and show the world the glory of the creator in you. No holding back. It's time for you to start pumping faith into your soul.

I love what Eric Thomas says, "It's not about the cards you've been dealt, it's what you do with those cards."

Transformation starts as soon as you take action.

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10
"For God did not give us a spirit of fear but of power and love and self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7
"I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears." Psalm 34:4
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Becoming accountable and building your faith requires effort. This is a 24-7-365 mentality. Your stewardship is on the line. But you know what, you don't have to do it alone.

God is with you. He is for you. He is on your side.

Let's do a quick exercise together.

It's super practical and deals specifically with fear. Thousands of people have used this exercise. I've used it myself and with clients with incredible results.

I call it the "Rate Your Fear" exercise. I've included an image below for you to copy.

  • Draw a line with a zero at one end and 10 at the other.
  • What’s the worst thing you can imagine? Your worst fear?
  • Maybe it’s a paralyzing injury or losing a loved one. Make that a 10 on the line.
  • Now rate your current fear in relation to that one. Just doing this helps give some perspective.
  • When you feel fear creep up, rate it. Where does it fall next to something that’s truly scary?
  • Visualizing the action steps in your mind before the feared situation occurs is a good way to become comfortable with what you plan to do.

My hope is for this devotional to be the confirmation you need to take action. I know God has a purpose for you. He has created you with the solution for someone else.

You were created to solve a problem. You have an assignment on this Earth.

I can't wait to hear your story about how you've removed your helmet, conquered your fear, and live out your purpose. Please, please, please email me to let me know how you are going. Even if you haven't fully conquered your fear, I want to hear your story. I mean it. It's time to unleash the real you. It's time to share your gifts with the world so people can know the creator.

If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. Email me:

❤️ - Coach Anthony

About this Plan

Your Bible, Your Coach, Your Purpose

You're fearful, and frustrated because you lack purpose. The #1 job of the enemy is to keep you distracted, and away from it. Today that stops, and your purpose begins. I'll be your coach for three days using the Bible, and frameworks designed to forge your future.
