Walking in Grace & Mercy Out of Stuff, Struggles, & SinНамуна

Walking in Grace & Mercy Out of Stuff, Struggles, & Sin

DAY 7 OF 8

Another Set of Twins: Pride & Shame...

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1

Why is it so difficult to believe God for His marvelous gifts of grace and mercy, especially when we need it most as we seek His freedom from our stuff, struggles, and sin?

As believers, we comprehend the truth that we need Jesus’ gift of salvation. However, often down the road of walking with Him, we may subtlety and erroneously think it is up to us to get our act together to move forward as Christians. Why might this be? Let’s take a quick look at the ugly twin stepsisters of pride and shame.

Pride was at the root of the devil’s fall from heaven, and it’s the source of a lot of our motivation, too (Ez. 28:5-6). It goes back to the garden of Eden and the deception that God is holding out on us. Pride whispers that we are more than able to pull ourselves up by the bootstraps and fix our lives.

Add to our pride a spirit of shame. Together, pride and shame act in tandem. Unlike mercy and grace, whose unfailing love and acceptance are generously extended to us by our heavenly Father, pride and shame are tormenting taskmasters. Most of us have felt their weight and whip upon our lives to some degree.

Among many other things, we inherited shame from Adam and Eve (Rom. 5:12). They blew it big time, and their first reaction afterward was to feel shame (Gen.3:8). Shame is the almost imperceptible voice whispering that we are guilty, worthless, and less-than. But, twin sister pride steps into our lives to prove that this is not true.

I can make something of myself!
I can do it!
I can break this addiction or behavior!

We try and try and try harder. Sometimes gaining traction, but mostly falling further behind. Our compelling need to accomplish and prove our worth – through position, financial success, perfect children, a large church, or a clean house – can sidetrack us from grace and mercy and keep us spinning endlessly. Shame declares we’re not worthy of God’s grace. Then pride replies that we have what it takes to become worthy.

Have twin sisters, pride and shame, ever had a say in your life?

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About this Plan

Walking in Grace & Mercy Out of Stuff, Struggles, & Sin

When we find ourselves caught up in seemingly never-ending struggles with our stuff and sin, God’s grace and mercy provide the concrete stepping stone to His amazing freedom. Let’s open His Word and find out more about these beautiful and powerful twin sisters of the Scriptures that He lavishly provides, and begin living and looking a lot more like our Savior in the extraordinary life He promises.
