Living the Surrendered LifeНамуна

Living the Surrendered Life

DAY 21 OF 21

These particular verses come in the chapter where Jesus predicts his death to his disciples. He tells them of the exact events that will occur and is met with opposition. The one who is brave enough (or stupid enough) to question the happenings Christ just outlined is Peter. Surprised? You shouldn’t be because this is the guy who, ten chapters later in Matthew, confesses his love for Christ and then denies him three times. Did I mention he also cuts off the ear of one of the men who arrested Jesus? Peter is definitely a character.

If you’ve walked the Christian road for any amount of time, the likelihood that you’ve heard a message preached on the verse above is great. Oftentimes we hear a message that exhorts us to rise above ourselves and live our lives to honor Christ with no regard for what we’ll receive. And we are told that when we take this path we will truly find life.

I remember the fall of 1995 vividly. The apartment where my husband, Chris, and I resided was about 750 square feet. We spent a lot of time playing music together. We even wrote our first song there. A bigger event that transpired while we were living there was God’s calling on our lives to surrender. Surrender what, you might ask. Everything. And I didn’t know if I wanted to.

Chris felt sure that we were called into full-time vocational ministry. I didn’t have a desire whatsoever to do that for a living. Volunteering was just fine with me. But, after wrestling with God about it for a few months, I eventually surrendered. And that was the beginning of me truly finding life.

Travel ahead to 2002 if you will and you’ll find me hearing from God yet again about the direction in my life. With my marriage absolutely on the rocks, I was and still am convinced that God called me to stay and work things out. That encouraged many and frightened plenty. But, I chose to follow God’s direction and literally lose my life. And again, I found it.

During the last several years, I have had more life given to me by God than I could contain. Sometimes I just sit and think about how much I’ve been given. I can’t imagine my life getting any richer and fuller than it already is. But then God shows up and brings abundant joy and more blessings than I can comprehend. And I got all this because I lost the life I thought was amazing?

I don’t remember the exact day but God spoke profoundly to me. His voice was not audible but the message was indelibly written on my heart. I could not deny His still, small voice that day. I was praying and simply sitting in awe of the amazing life I live and asked, “Why me, Lord?” His reply was simple: “Because you said yes.”

I sat upright and realized that back in 1995 I had a choice to make. I could have said “no” and kept the life I enjoyed. Or, I could have said “yes” and received a life that I never could have imagined. And occasionally still have to pinch myself to make sure this abundant life is real. It is.

So, what say you? Yes or no? It’s that simple.

Action Steps
Are there parts of your life that you haven't surrendered to God? Think about the areas of your life where you are stiff-arming God and not allowing Him to lead you. It could be with your relationships or your career or your children.
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About this Plan

Living the Surrendered Life

The word surrender doesn’t have very positive connotations in our society. It tends to be seen as a weakness. However, surrendering takes more strength than you can imagine. We don't need to carry shame, worry, ingratitude or fear around, we need to “give it up completely” as one of the definitions of surrender suggests. I believe that when we surrender our lives to the Lordship of Christ we will find the abundant life promised us in John 10:10. After all, God gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him.
