Uncommen: Start at the FinishНамуна

The Beautiful Finish
“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” Matthew 14:28
One of my favorite stories in the Bible is when Peter steps out in faith and walks to Jesus on the water (Matthew 14:28). At some point, he panics and starts to sink. Jesus didn’t just stand there and scold him. Instead, he went to Peter, offered His hand, and pulled Him up. That is what Jesus does for us over and over again.
Over the last four days, we looked at the idea of the finish line or the picture behind the puzzle. We know as Christians that our eternity is guaranteed. We will cross that finish line, and God knows exactly how the puzzle fits together. For us, it’s not always clear because we often rely on our understanding. If we know where the finish line is, though, we can walk backward from that finish. We train daily for our challenges by using routines that include listening and talking with the Lord. The Holy Spirit will guide us when we are willing, and our path, while not easy, will never be walked alone.
Jesus acknowledged that our journey here would be filled with trouble. Yet when we begin to adhere to the path He has set out, we can experience Joy and Love that is not of this world. Paul, even in prison, was writing letters of encouragement! Talk about finding Joy regardless of the situation. Paul was able to like we can, “press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Phil 3:14.
When we finally cross that finish line, there will be no pain, no tears or sadness, and we will find immeasurable love and joy, reunions, and the unimaginable presence of the Lord. Knowing this, even when we experience the obstacles of life - grief, anxiety, pain, sadness, loss, etc., we can finish the race by focusing on what is to come.
If you take away anything from this devotional, it should be that scripture, prayer, and a willingness to listen to the Holy Spirit are the keys to a successful walk! May God bless you with clarity, and may you have the courage to grab His hand when He reaches out!
Uncommen Questions:
Can you envision the finish line? What does it look like to you?
What training and routines can you put in place to get there?
Uncommen Challenge:
Commit to staying the course. If life is hard for you now, seek His path and will. If life is easy for you now, use this time to get solid training and routine in place, as you will be knocked down at some point. Be prepared. And finally, don’t give up hope. Remember what Jesus did for you on the cross. With that in mind, know He is there for you, good times and bad, sinking or floating.
About this Plan

Utilizing the theme of running a race and knowing where we want to be, over the next five days, we will use God’s word, which is full of wisdom, examples, and direction from the ultimate race organizer, to see how best to run and win.