Woman Up Намуна

Woman Up

DAY 1 OF 5

The battle of the sexes started in the first book of the Bible. Eve was created as a solution-giver. In Genesis, it refers to her as Adam’s “helper,” or "ezer" in Hebrew. You may have heard this before and thought, Does God really want women to be leaders, including leaders of men? Shouldn’t men be the leaders and women be the helpers?

Or you may say, “I don’t want to be a leader – that’s too much responsibility. I would rather be a behind-the-scenes person than make the effort to lead.”

Sister, I am the wrong person to share these thoughts with. We have been sold a bill of goods when we think that women’s giftings and value are inferior to those of men. A woman who does not want to make the effort to become the unique person our Lord has made her to be is missing out on fulfilling the calling God has placed on her life. The rest of the world needs us to be who God created us to be. I cannot stand by without challenging those who say, “I’m just a woman, so I can’t … (fill in the blank).”

Women not only have the ability to lead others – including men – we also have a calling from God to lead in the situations and circumstances He has placed us. If we see ourselves as God has called us to be, we will walk as fierce, unstoppable, confident women. We will square our shoulders, not with arrogance, but as one person put it: Walking like Eivs and serving Mother Theresa.

I want to show you this through one of my great biblical heroes, Judge Deborah.

Deborah was a judge at the time when the children of Israel were once again disobeying the good commands of God, worshiping false idols, and ignoring the sacrifices God desired. They fell under the control of Jabin, the king of Canaan, and Jabin’s military commander, Sisera. Sisera had a large army, including nine hundred iron chariots (very advanced for that time) that he used to make life miserable for Israel. After twenty years of oppression, the children of Israel cried out to the Lord for help. This is where we meet Deborah.

Deborah held court under a palm tree in the hill country of Ephraim. It was here that the Israelites would come to have her judge their disputes. One day, Deborah called for Barak, the leader of Israel’s army, to meet her there. Here is a summary of their conversation.

“God has commanded you,” said Deborah to Barak, “to take your armies to Mount Tabor and prepare for battle. The Lord will stir up Sisera, who will then bring his army to meet you. And the Lord will win the battle on that day for you and Israel.”

“Okay,” said Barak, “I’ll do as God has commanded, as long as you go with me.”

“I’ll go with you,” said Deborah. “But know this: The victory will belong to a woman, not to you.”

Barak said, “So be it,” and off they went. Sisera did arrive with his nine hundred state of the art iron chariots, Barak advanced his armies, and – just as God had said – the Canaanite army was routed. The greatest victory that day did belong to a woman, but not Deborah. Israel was freed that day from the enemy’s oppression, and they lived in peace under the rule of Deborah for the next forty years.

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About this Plan

Woman Up

The 'Woman Up' AVAIL YouVersion plan was created by Lori Champion to help women who are discovering their leadership voice and for the men who value them. Through biblical examples of women in leadership, women following God, and women in the church; Lori equips readers with confidence and clarity regarding their roles and ability to make an impact for Christ.
