Lies I Believe Part 1: God Just Wants Me to Be HappyНамуна

Lies I Believe Part 1: God Just Wants Me to Be Happy

DAY 1 OF 5



“…there is no truth in him…” (John 8:44)

Jesus is teaching at the Temple, specifically challenging the Pharisees and their lack of belief and truth. Rather than accept that Jesus is who He says that He is, they defend their position and their power, believing a lie. And Jesus calls them out, telling them that their true father is not Abraham, but Satan, the “father of lies.” God is truth. God’s word is truth. Jesus is the Word of God (John 1:1). Jesus is truth. Satan, however, has no truth in him. He cannot tell the truth. He can only lie.

“… [Satan] comes only to steal and kill and destroy…” (John 10:10a)

Satan’s goal is not our happiness, well-being, or freedom, peace, health, joy, or a good life. His goal always has been and always will be to undermine God’s good work in creation. In Genesis 1, God created the world and said, “it is good.” Satan decided to undo the good. So he came to Eve and told a lie. “Did God really say…?” Satan twisted what God had said and led Eve to doubt God’s goodness and good intentions. He has been playing the same game with humanity ever since. Satan wants to steal joy, kill relationships, destroy what God made. And that includes you and me.

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10b)

Jesus came to restore what Satan had broken. Jesus came to reveal the truth of God to a world deceived by the father of lies. Jesus came to show us a better way to live. To do that, we must listen to the truth. We must find answers in the words of Jesus. We must learn to recognize the lies of Satan.

Ask Yourself:

How well do you think you can discern truth and lies?

How do Jesus’s words, “I am the way and the truth and the life,” challenge the messages you hear in the world around you (family, friends, news, social media, politicians, etc.)?

Pause to Pray:

Jesus, I know that I need truth, real truth, in my life. Teach me to know and to recognize your truth. Teach me to resist Satan’s lies. Teach me to trust that your truth leads to abundant life.

Take the Next Step:

Choose a scripture from today and create a lock screen for your phone, write it on a notecard, or set the alarm to pause and meditate on it sometime later today.

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About this Plan

Lies I Believe Part 1: God Just Wants Me to Be Happy

We live under a daily assault of thoughts and ideas- some true and some false. And perhaps the most dangerous ideas we allow to live in our minds are the lies we believe about ourselves. They magnify failure, steal our joy, keep us from love, and prevent us from realizing all of God’s plans for us. Join us as we call out the lies and replace them with God’s truth.
