Faith Намуна


DAY 4 OF 7

Day 4 – Faith and authority

Faith is linked to authority, which gives us the ability to command things and elements


Read 1 John 5:4-5 and Philippians 2:9-10 and take a moment to answer the following questions:

➤ What can our faith do in the world?

➤ If you reread Mark 11:22-26 and the other texts mentioned above, are you able to resume in a practical way how to take authority over the mountains that are in our way?


Faith is not a title or a qualification that we gain, our faith is there to be put into practice and, like a muscle, the more we use it the more it will develop. It is our faith in action that allows the reign of God to come so that what is accomplished in the heavens becomes a reality on Earth (cf. Matthew 6:10). It is our faith that makes us men and women who do not give in to circumstances but instead write history. This is what the apostle John declares in the verses that we have already read. To believe that Jesus is the Son of God is to act in a way that His kingdom comes and that His will be done by establishing His victory, everywhere we go…

When reading the Gospels, you will discover that Jesus did not perform miracles by asking the Father to do something. Rather He simply took authority over the circumstances, even death (cf. John 11:43). And it is exactly what we are also called to live out in our daily lives. In the passage from Mark that we read, Jesus says, “If someone SAYS to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea…” Jesus doesn’t say, “If someone prays, please can you take away this mountain…” No! He tells us to take authority. May I suggest that sometimes, by which I mean often, we don’t see the awaited miracles because we pray too much instead of using the authority that God has given us…

What Jesus asks of us is to address ourselves to the mountain, to the circumstance (including sickness), giving it a direct order. Whatever it is that needs to be moved or changed, faith is not happy with simply begging or pleading. It commands. Faith allows us to know what God has already accomplished in the heavens and to simply command that it becomes a reality on Earth, in the visible world. We can always plea to God, and sometimes it is good to do this for specific situations, however, we cannot ask God to do something that He has already accomplished!

God doesn’t want us to address our requests to the devil or to circumstances. On the contrary, He expects that we take up our position as children of God and that we stand up with authority to order the circumstances to change and the mountains that are blocking our path towards obedience to disappear… Thus, when you are facing a challenge, it is not about coming with an attitude of lamenting, but to seek God so that He reveals to you what He has already accomplished. It’s what Jesus experienced during His earthly ministry and it’s what allowed Him to have such an assurance to take authority in extreme situations (cf. John 11:41).

And so, in the Gospels, we see Jesus taking authority over the wind (and the storm instantly calmed down), as well as sickness, demons, death etc. Everything submitted to Him, and it is the same for us too. Our faith has defeated the world (cf. 1 John 5:4) and everything has become possible. That being said, it must be underlined that our authority is linked to our submission to God’s authority, because we are nothing and we cannot do anything by ourselves. On the other hand, when we are walking in dependence and submission to God, then we can do everything! Furthermore, it is impossible to live out this authority of faith without accepting to be submissive and accountable to God and the authorities that He has established (cf. Romans 13:1-2). I believe that numerous Christians do not live in this dimension of authority of faith because of a spirit of independence and rebellion against authorities.

Our faith is therefore linked to what we declare with our mouth. It isn’t a reasoning, but a proclamation of what has already been accomplished in the heavens. It is about taking authority, commanding in the name of Jesus – the name that is above all other names and authorities (cf. Philippians 2:9). Take the time to allow the Holy Spirit to search your heart. If you have an attitude of insubordination, simply repent to submit yourself to God and the authorities that He has placed over your life. And also ask the Holy Spirit to open your spirit so that you can see what God has already done so that you can take authority over that subject.


➤ What I have understood for my personal life:

➤ What I am deciding to do in my life based on what I have just learned:

➤ What you decide today determines who and what you will be tomorrow!

Adapted from "un disciple en marche" copyright 2018 by Luc Favre, published by Vie Victorieuse. All rights reserved.

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About this Plan


The letter to the Hebrews states that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the demonstration of things not seen (cf. Hebrews 11: 1). In Christ all is accomplished, the fulness of heaven is available to us, and the purpose of this plan is to enable us to grow in the faith of God. To become disciples who bring the truth from heaven into our daily reality.
