[Life Of David] The Bigger They Are The Harder They FallНамуна

[Life Of David] The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall

DAY 1 OF 6

Unlikely, But God 

When God chooses to use someone for something, He does not care about the same things we do. As it says in 1 Samuel 16:7, “But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not look at his appearance or his stature, because I have rejected him. Man does not see what the Lord sees, for man sees what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart.'” Did you see the words that start this verse? "But the Lord said to Samuel" and later,  "but the Lord sees the heart," mean that God is going to act.

The obvious choice is not always God’s choice. God always looks at something differently than we do. God looks at our heart. That is why He chose David, because of what God saw in his heart. He chose David as the King of Israel, and He chose David to kill a giant no one else was able to kill. 

David was unlikely to win, "but God". Goliath was bigger than David, bigger than David's own abilities or strength. But God wanted to use David to defeat Goliath. How often have we felt unlikely to do things? Because of our past, our limitations, or because we lack certain skills, we feel unable and unlikely, but God is greater than our weakness. He is bigger than our insecurities. He is bigger than all of our “unlikely” scenarios. God is far bigger than our giants. 

Have you ever realized that God loves to use the unlikely? He loves to use unlikely leaders. We see them everywhere in the Bible. Moses was a fugitive who had become a shepherd, yet he was chosen by God to set Israel free. Gideon was a coward, yet with 300 men he was able to conquer the enemy. David was an insignificant shepherd boy. He was the least in his family, yet he killed Goliath and became the greatest king of Israel. There are many more stories of unlikely people God chooses for His purposes, even now. 

We are all unlikely people like David. Still, God chose to save us. He chooses to love us every day. He chooses to give us victory over our giants every day, even when we are unlikely to win on our own. Maybe you feel your giant is like Goliath, nine feet - nine inches tall, and you don't stand a chance. But our Lord and our God is far taller than any giant. God is bigger than Goliath, so say “but God” and say “I’m going to move forward.” Although you've previously lost ground, walk forward in the power and strength of God. As unlikely as you feel, as unlikely as it sounds, always know that God chooses unlikely people because it is He who wins our battles. 

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[Life Of David] The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall

What is one giant in your life? Give it to the Lord and trust that, in His timing and in His power, that giant in your life will fall. Victory is in the Lord!
