Following Well: Getting Better in Our Walk With ChristНамуна

Following Well: Getting Better in Our Walk With Christ

DAY 6 OF 6

Understand Whom To Follow

As you scroll through any social media platform, you will likely get pop-up suggestions on recommendations on who to follow. These pop-ups show up based on computer algorithms that have captured patterns in a user's social media interactions. Although algorithms have their advantages, they may not necessarily give users insights into the character and relevance of the recommended influencers. 

Today, our readings in John and Matthew show how various disciples responded to the call of Jesus to follow Him. In John, John the Baptist identifies Christ as the lamb that took away the world's sins. This testimony by John the Baptist is a catalyst that helped John's disciples immediately start following Christ. Matthew also follows this same pattern when approached by Christ. Why did this happen? What did they see in Christ that convinced them to follow seemingly right away. 

Although the disciples' responses to follow Christ seemed swift, it was not like most algorithm-influenced following like we have with social media. These were responses based on faith, their ability to relate with the testimony of John, the relevance of the person followed (in this case, Christ), and their respect for Christ. Following well involves knowing the capacity, relevance, and abilities of the leader. It is not just following but evaluating the values and purpose of the leader to see how their values align with yours. It is much more than clicking a like or follow button; determining whom to follow requires deliberate activity that involves thoughtful consideration of how following that leader will help solve problems personally and generally. 

Prayer: Lord, please give me discernment as I ponder what leaders and ideas to follow. Lord, please help me see beyond the surface to know my purpose of following within the leaders' space. Lord, keep my eyes focused on the lamb that takes away the sins of the world. 

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About this Plan

Following Well: Getting Better in Our Walk With Christ

Learn what following well means and apply it to everyday life, especially your walk with Christ. It is easy at times to view following Christ as something mundane and monotonous. This plan will give you a fresh perspective of following Him for victorious living.
