Spiritual vs EmotionalНамуна

Spiritual vs Emotional

DAY 4 OF 6

Declare the Victory of the Lord!

When Jesus screamed, "It is Finished!" It was finished! Death was DEAAAAAD! The Glory of the Lord was revealed, the love was so loud, the grace was overwhelming, the truth was bright, sin was washed and in Him, you have become as white as snow because of His blood that washed and made you new. So often we meditate on our past, our guilt, our shame. Let me remind you, God has no idea what you're talking about; when He sees you He sees you through the blood, and you are so delicately pure and white as snow that he has called you the apple of His eye. He would protect you with his life. 

The devil wants you blinded and ignorant. Unfortunately, most are. They go to church and have fun and feed the bodily senses rather than let their spirits be fed with the Word. Most come back home, having a great fun Sunday rather than a blessed, powerful, spiritual Sunday. We serve at church but don't serve our spirit the truth. We feed our bodies with laughs and fun and food and starve our spirit of the truth. Oh, this has got to STOP! We are being robbed of the truth and therefore robbed of power We are therefore robbed of the victory we already have. He deceives us to think that it is not finished yet. But, oh!, IT IS FINISHED!!

So meditate the truth, speak the truth, declare the promise, forget the lies, recognize the lies, fix yourself on the truths, run the race, fight the fight, and impart grace for you have already received all grace for everything pertaining to life and godliness. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith, and as a helmet the hope of salvation. For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let your minds, be guarded by this truth, and your hearts by faith. 

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About this Plan

Spiritual vs Emotional

Intentionally or unbeknownst to us, we all have a philosophy towards life. These may be shaped, altered, or created based on culture, childhood, past, people...and a variety of reasons. The world offers many such principles whose goal is to reach the fullness of life. The Bible implores its believers unto Spirituality. To be led by The Spirit - The Truth that guides.
