Seven Effective Prayers for Unsaved HusbandsНамуна

Seven Effective Prayers for Unsaved Husbands

DAY 7 OF 7

“And if it seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the River, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you dwell; but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15 AMPC)

If you are like most if not all Christian women, you have a desire for your husband to serve God.  There are instances where couples get married and both individuals are unsaved. Then, one gives their life to God while the other still lives in the world or both knew God and one turned away.  In this scenario, it is the husband that either does not know God or turned away from God and the wife is forced to lead her husband and family spiritually.  Although this is not God’s original design or plan, it does not mean that you give up and let go.  It does not mean that you allow your frustration and weariness to cause you to turn your back on your husband or marriage.  You, being the sanctified wife, can sanctify your husband through the word of God and by your conduct.  

Your spiritual influence within your home has more power than you think.  It is imperative that your spiritual posture remains stable and that you exemplify the love of God toward your spouse in all that you do.  The spirits and strongholds that he is wrestling with will try to fight you every step of the way. However, you must be steadfast, unmovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor of love, peace, grace, forgiveness, and discipleship is not in vain. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbor (your husband) as you love yourself.  

Recall the time and grace God extended to you time and time again until you got to this point.  You can do way more damage to the kingdom of darkness in the prayer room than you can ever do in the courtroom (if separation or divorce is on the table). Your husband may not be in a position to serve God yet but be encouraged that your entire household will serve God. You don’t have to force him or be contemptuous toward him. Simply demonstrate God’s love and implement biblical principles and God will do the rest.

Prayer for your husband’s desire to serve God:

Father, in the name of Jesus, my husband was created to serve you.  I refuse to believe or go along with the lies of the enemy that wants me to believe anything opposite of this.  I pray that you send forth laborers on his behalf to come to his rescue.  I may not always say or do everything right. At times I admit that I am driven more by my emotions than I am my spirit. However, you know my heart.  My intent is good although my actions may show the opposite. My heart's desire is for my husband to lead and love by your example.  Help me to activate the fruit of the spirit in my life so that my spiritual posture is not compromised by my flesh. Lord, I thank you that my husband will hunger and thirst after righteousness and he will be filled.  He will no longer desire the things of this world. In fact, he will begin to lose interest and taste for worldly pleasures and desires.  He is being made a new creation and old things are being released from him now. Old mindsets, old emotions, old friends, old behaviors - - everything old must go never to return. I thank you in advance for what you have done. I stand with great expectation that my husband’s salvation is secure and his life will glorify you in all that he does.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

If developing a consistent and active prayer life in praying for your husband and marriage has been a challenge for you, I encourage you to connect with the Wives Who Win community for additional tools and resources on how to pray effective prayers that get answered!


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About this Plan

Seven Effective Prayers for Unsaved Husbands

God designed husbands to be the lead servants of their homes/marriages. He is to lead his wife and children in the same manner that Christ led the church. When husbands do not know God as their Lord and Savior, they cannot lead by Christ's example. This devotional will provide seven effective prayers wives can pray for their unsaved husbands so that they may come into the knowledge of God's truth.
