Inside VoiceНамуна

Inside Voice

DAY 6 OF 6

Learning To Be Content

What would you say it means to be content? If you use social media in any capacity, it would probably feel difficult to be content when it seems the whole world is going in the other direction.  With fast news, opinions, and social justice issues being thrown around left and right, and on top of that, advertising companies convincing you that if you just have this or that, are slimmer, prettier, richer, have the latest whatever, then you would be content.  

We have all experienced the short-term highs when we give in to the marketing campaigns - a good feeling for a little while that quickly disappears as we long for the next thing.  Or, the dramatic downturn of self-criticism when we measure ourselves against the latest Instagram influencer.  If you set these externals as your goalpost, you’ll soon find that they never bring true joy, peace, and contentment.  

Our spirit is united with the Holy Spirit when we are born again, and we can feed on the living bread and drink the living water of the Word that satisfies a way the world never could.  Will it really matter in a year if we had the latest fad? Paul was able to learn to be content in all things and tells us how to get there - ‘I can do all things through him who gives me strength’.  

So, it is our prayer that you would find your mind filled with joy, beyond circumstances, beyond worries, beyond who you were yesterday, and that the peace of God would be with you, as you are with Christ.  We pray as you take this journey learning to be content in all circumstances that you are able because he makes you able, because you dwell in the presence of the Most High, and you deeply know that you are a loved and chosen child of God. 


1. What are some of the inconsequential goalposts that you can release from your heart and mind today?  

2. Write down a prayer of thankfulness and to God and spend some time waiting on him.

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