Meeting With God in the MorningНамуна

Meeting With God in the Morning

DAY 1 OF 5

I spent a long time telling myself I could do devotions at bedtime or over lunch. I wasn’t willing to get up early to spend a few minutes with God. 

I finally realized if I didn’t set time aside in the morning before the day started, I didn’t have a quiet time with God. While morning meetings with God aren’t mandated in Scripture, morning meetings with God are practiced in scripture. 

Mark 1:35 tells us Jesus got up early in the morning to pray in a secluded place. David says in Psalm 143:8, “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go for to you I lift my soul.” 

God does not promise that our days will have more preferable events if we seek Him first. Nor are we guaranteed a worse day if we neglect God when we rise. What we do find when we put God first is our mind is stayed on Him and our outlook is eternal. 

Our spirit is more inclined to His, and our hearts are more sensitive to his voice. God doesn’t specify a specific number of minutes it takes to connect with Him. However, the practice of spending time in the morning with Jesus and carving out time to intentionally sit in the presence of God is not on trial. 

The great saints of our faith have proven this to be true over and over. It’s likely that some mornings ten minutes is all you have before you meet the demands of the day. But if you take those ten minutes to come before His Throne, He will help you plant your feet on solid ground and remind you to whom you belong. 

I’m reminded of the hymn with lyrics that read, “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” During your day you will have moments where the choice is staying on the solid rock or following temptations to sinking sand. In order to have secure footing in our faith we need to spend time with Jesus. 

I challenge you to do that this week. Spend ten minutes with God before you get out of bed or while you sip your coffee. Spend five minutes reading scripture and the last five minutes praying and talking with Jesus. 

Time with Jesus will set the stage for your day. Watch and see your responses and outlooks changed just by investing in the relationship with your Savior. He is waiting.

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