7 Things to Do Every Day to Stay Spiritually StrongНамуна

7 Things to Do Every Day to Stay Spiritually Strong

DAY 2 OF 7

Feed Your Spirit on Other Sources

In addition to spending time with God every day, it is also very important to feed your spirit through other sources. The apostle Paul knew this to be true and practiced it until the very end of his life. From a Roman prison cell, he penned his final letter to his young apprentice, Timothy, and said, “The cloke that I left at Troas with Carpus, when thou comest, bring with thee, and the books, but especially the parchments” (2 Timothy 4:13 KJV). 

While Paul was in prison awaiting execution, he had time on his hands. Rather than squander it with frivolous activities or give place to worry and fear, he requested books to read and parchments to journal his thoughts and what he was learning. If Paul — the brilliant scholar of Old Testament Scripture and writer of nearly two-thirds of the New Testament — knew he needed to feed his spirit on other sources and journal what God was showing him in order to stay healthy spiritually, we need to do the same. 

There Are Many Resources Available to You

Reading good books daily will nourish your spirit. Like fertilizer helps to nourish a garden, reading nourishes your mind and spirit and helps you grow at a faster pace. If you’re not a reader, or you find it difficult to read, listen to good audiobooks. You can do this as you work around the house, exercise, or drive around town. You can literally turn your vehicle into a “university on wheels,” listening to good preaching and teaching via podcasts or CDs as you drive.

The Internet is also a great source of teaching. You can look up anointed teachers and subscribe to their channels. You’ll have instant access to their archives and be notified every time they post new material. The method you use to take in fresh, informative material is not important — just find what format works for you and begin to feed your spirit. 

As the Lord reveals things to you, take time to write them down in a journal. Writing helps you remember what is most important and enables you to grow spiritually as nothing else can. As you begin to write down the scriptures that come alive to you and the truths you are learning, your thinking will be refined, your beliefs will be established, and your faith will be strengthened. 

Don’t try and survive today on the fumes of yesterday’s spiritual fuel. God has fresh fuel for you every day! 

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About this Plan

7 Things to Do Every Day to Stay Spiritually Strong

Do you want to be spiritually strong now and for the rest of your Christian life? In this 7-day plan, Rick Renner shares 7 things he does every day to ensure he stays spiritually strong. These steps are easy to put into practice immediately to see a change in your life. So don’t hesitate to begin — this could be your first step toward the change you’ve been waiting for!
